One of the key items in the attempt to bully me by Mohammad Ali Mazarei was the assertion that Ali Mazarei got preferential treatment for a CCW Permit. It has been long known amongst the rank and file. Since I had no super-concrete proof I had to back off of the claim somewhat while being of the opinion that Ali Mazarei was lying to cover himself.
Since then, Mazarei has been publicly threatening candidates for office, making self-promoting posts on social media, acting like he runs the Riverside County Lincoln Club and the like. Mazarei is a recent addition to the political landscape even though his donor relationship with Stan Sniff started in 2011. When he posted the legal demand letter on facebook, complete with publishing my home address, (getting others to share it in an attempt to intimidate me and gain political advantage), he claimed that in 2009 when he got his CCW he did not know the sheriff. Several sources inside the department dispute those claims.
Pictured, Sheriff Stan Sniff looking all tough and stuff with a silenced automatic weapon. Mohammad Ali Mazarei, circled and looking all tough and stuff with body armor on. Then, three unnamed deputies that are obviously on the Good Boy’s list are also pictured. The location is a range that most of the rank and file are not allowed to go to – even though our tax dollars pay for its’ operation, maintenance and upkeep. Yet, we are supposed to believe that Ali Mazarei is NOT getting special treatment from the sheriff?
Mohammad Ali Mazarei bragged in his legal demand letter that he sells stuff to a lot of people inside the Riverside Sheriff’s Office. I wonder how long Mr. Mazarei would be able to keep his Federal Firearms License if the ATF was given a nice fat file complete with information on Mr. Mazarei’s personal conduct? I wonder if the sales of stuff to the folks he brags about selling stuff to have any other consideration involved in them?
Remember – Mazarei has donated $50K+ to the Sheriff (that we know of as the last $9300 check was reported 3 months late, so there could be others not reported yet).
Yet, we are supposed to believe that the now 2nd largest donor to the Sheriff who lists several of the Sheriff’s subordinates as customers is NOT receiving any sort of special treatment?
Enter two sources who have asked for anonymity:
I recently received a fund raiser flyer to Stan Sniff’s Southwest Riverside County Campaign Kick-off. On one page of this flyer there was a description off Sheriff Stan Sniff. I have attached a picture of that description and I hope you can read it. Upon reading this description I immediately recognized that these bullet point descriptions were missing two key words. Words that should be used to describe a person who holds the rank of Sheriff. Can you guess the missing two words? Those two words are “Leader” and “Ethics” or any of their derivatives (leadership, ethical etc.)…this is sad, very very sad.
The department is in complete turmoil because we have not had strong leadership from Sniff nor Diyorio. When the leaders don’t lead, all the rest of the nonsense that you have been writing about begins to happen (thermal station scandal, cheating scandal on the detective tests in 2015, then cheating on the Lt and Caps test in 2016, sergeants and lieutenants in admin positions not working full days…which has become part of the culture at those ranks etc etc). This agency has been a ship adrift for years now and it is sad.
Second word, ethics. It is true (and I have witnessed it first hand) that if you are a FOS (friend of the sheriff) you will go to the front of the line to get a ccw. If you are john q citizen, it’s a 18 month to two year wait. All department members know about this, from the office staff, to the deputies and above. We see the Sheriff campaigning on duty or having his people do it for him (Purvis on the dept owned gator with a Sniff campaign sign etc. etc) and know full well that if we were caught doing something like that for Bianco we’d be gone.
This lack of leadership and the hypocritical ethical environment that sniff has created has left this department in shambles. We no longer encourage our friends or family to apply here. We tell them about Corona PD, or Riverside PD, or Ontario PD, but not RSO. Why? Because the pride is gone. The morale is terrible, and this place has become so divided that it is now toxic. There is a gulf between the true workers and the admin, the haves and the have-nots. Over the years, the only deputies that Sniff has spoken to are ones being promoted or ones at dui checkpoints on Friday nights. Ones that will never ever confront him, and rightly so because their whole career is ahead of them.
Two words left out of sheriff Stan Sniff’s description of himself in his fund raiser flyer, Leader, and Ethics. And that is exactly why our RSO is such a mess. I hate to keep using this word over and over, but I must use it one more time…..sad!
That is pretty definitive, isn’t it? Since Mohammad Ali Mazarei is an elected member of the Riverside County Republican Central Committee, and thusly is an elected official he has to prove I had reckless disregard for the truth when I suggest that he is one of those that received special treatment for a CCW Permit from the Sheriff. Good Luck Ali.
I know of one elected officeholder who is retired military that waited 2 years for his interview and was turned down for a CCW Permit. The man had not donated a dime to Sniff before or since.
It is also well-known in the department that the case related to the corrupt operation of Mazarei’s smog check business was re-opened right around the same time as Mazarei’s last donation of $9300 to the Sheriff on 10/5/2017. (one account says the case was re-opened 10/11 another says two weeks later) Also, it is well-known that Ali Mazarei believes that the employee being prosecuted will allow him to sue everyone he is mad at for blasting him publicly. It sure looks like Mazarei himself thinks he’s getting special treatment from the Sheriff, let alone what I think?
Well guess what? Another one of my anonymous sources sent me a choice facebook message pictured here.
Well isn’t that special? I now have plenty of basis to level the charge that Mohammad Ali Mazarei did indeed appear to be buying influence via his financial largess to the Sheriff. (look at the photo, look at the written comments about ccw’s) All Mohammad Ali Mazarei has accomplished with his attempted bullying of this blog with the typo-laden ESL failure of a legal demand letter was a guaranteed ass-whupping on the Right on Daily Blog, because this is how we deal with bullies.
As a side note, I was told Paul Aguirre was recently hired onto a part-time consulting gig. Given the pattern of behavior I’ve seen from the Sheriff, it would not surprise me if this was done to pin Aguirre down from talking about the abuse of the CCW process under Stan Sniff. It’s ok though, I can pick from dozens of witnesses to write declarations or to come testify in Auburn if needed.
Coming soon – even more smoking guns related to the conduct under Sheriff Stan Sniff and undertaker Diyoyo.
P.S. The “Pro Gun” Sheriff has disarmed the Jail staff too, something the local papers seem to fail to mention when they call him “Pro Gun”.
P.P.S A recent comment by a Daniel Shays sheds ever further light:
let’s talk about what 40-50k buys for Mohamed. He has free access to the range when employees can not even take their spouse. We know know he doesn’t call 911 like a normal person he calls his friend Stanley. He gets special CCW treatment for himself and his friends, who unlawfully use his business as their “good cause” even though they don’t work there. And he gets his very own tax payer funded private security. That’s right, the residents in Woodcrest get to sit without law enforcement services for an entire afternoon while both deputies sit watch Mohamed load up all his guns and move them to another residence in the city of riverside. Both of them should be charged with embezzlement and misuse of government funds. Unethical and illegal. Great job Sheriff!!!
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The one in the middle is Steve Kusy. Sergeant at the time of this photo, but now a lieutenant. Donated to Sniff and became an FOS. Kusy is dumb as a donkey. I have a pet rock smarter than him. When he landed at Jurupa Station, he had to ask several sergeants how to do his job. Oh, and he’s really good friends with none other than Christian Dekker.
The other is Steve Favero. Deputy in the picture, donated money with It. Kusy and is now a sergeant. That is how Stanly Sniff rolls. Donate money get ccw. Donate money, get a promotion. Time for a change.
This is nothing more than behavior that mimics organized crime. When the public pays,”Taxes” to the mafia, they get a form of protection from the caporegime. And when a soldier in the organization pays “Tribute” (in the form of monetary donations) to the capo, he receives preferential treatment from the hierarchy. And everyone knows the “Don’s” on the second floor have required staff members to swear loyalty (omerta) to Sniff. It’s time to make R.S.O. great again with new leadership.
Alfredo Ortega, Carmen Mariscal and Josephine Ortega have relatives that are high risk businessmen…. Alfredo Ortega was arrested for Possession of drugs and intent to sale. Hector Mariscal was arrested by the feds for high powered weapons and intent to sell…. Yup, those are Scratch and Sniff side kicks.
This is a great example of cronyism at its finest. Ali enjoying a day shooting with Sniffcompoop. AND he gets to use the range AND rangemasters who could probably be doing other official business.
But isn’t Sniffcompoop going to divvy up some CCWs before Election Day? Sorta like Everyman having a chicken during the Dust Bowl era, eh?
Let’s work to get this fucker out. Sniff has used his position too long to honor too many favors whilst ignoring the rank and file, lying to the taxpayers, and allowing the fuckery that is the 2nd Floor’s new normal.
This picture of Ali on the RSO range with Stanley would lead one to believe that Stanley gives favors for money. Of course everyone now knows that Ali is one of Sniff’s biggest money contributors, so wouldn’t it be fair to assume that Ali’s money is what buys him time on the RSO range, among other things. Do people realize that Sniff won’t even allow retired deputy sheriffs to have free range time on the RSO range? I’ll bet if they paid Sniff off and liked his stupid Facebook posts he would let them use the range.
CORRUPTION is the word that immediately comes to mind when you mention Stan Sniff. Wouldn’t accepting money in return for favors be considered bribery? Wouldn’t making threats to the BOS of horrible things that will happen unless they give him money be considered a form of Extortion? And doesn’t Stan Sniff know that his own General Orders say that Department members shall speak the truth at all times whether under oath or not?
Sniff has definitely established himself as a LIAR, that’s a given. Maybe he should be investigated for the rest of his crimes.