Apr 292018

Let me keep this short and sweet.

I know that Andrew Kotyuk is a full portfolio conservative. Like anyone in local government he has had to make some extremely difficult decisions dealing with the unfunded mandates that people like Chad Mayes cut deals to foist on them.

In the world of Chad Mayes and his new way GOP everything is negotiable and personal relevance and justification takes precedence over good policy. The values of one’s youth are subordinated to the urgency of today.

Mayes would have you know that Andrew Kotyuk is not perfect. I’d have you know that as a Conservative Christian, I have watched Chad Mayes compromise and prostitute every value he said he had when he first ran for office. It is embarrassing as it makes people think less of my faith and my values when reflected against the hypocrisy of people like Mayes.

I know 100% about the opposition research file on Andrew Kotyuk. They are allegations and the rest is civil. It does not rise to the level of moral corruption on display with Chad Mayes.

I write this endorsement knowing full well that Gary Jeandron has unloaded a chunk of his personal wealth in to his campaign.

I write this endorsement knowing full well that at least $1MM in independent expenditure money is coming in from the swamp that has taken over Chad Mayes empty soul in an attempt to protect their investment.

I despair to believe that Mayes will be able to come back from the narcissistic scorched earth pattern he has set for himself because his inner need to be right has consumed him and supplanted the faith of his youth. I also despair to see the widespread destruction his narcissistic rage is causing the GOP as he cavorts with jilted GOP losers like failed governor Arnold and John Kasich who will never be able to recover from losing the 2016 Presidential primary.

Andrew Kotyuk represents more than an Assembly Candidate. Flawed though he is, Kotyuk represents the real GOP and the principled GOP that has decided to take a stand against the swamp and its’ millions in independent expenditure money used to secure legislation that enriches their profit margin at the expense of the middle class. Kotyuk represents the little people that want representation from someone that lives as who he says he is, warts and all.

Gary Jeandron has tried and failed multiple times. He is yesterday’s news.

Chad Mayes represents a wing of the GOP that needs to be cut out like a cancer, the “I am moderate because I need to be relevant” wing of Republicans that bail on major issues not out of principle, but because they need attention and relevance. That sort of moral and ideological bankruptcy is useless to everyone regardless of party.

I have serious doubts about weather Kotyuk will be able to beat the tsunami of money against him. In this case the contrast is so important that I’d be shirking my responsibility as a Republican leader in California by not taking a position. Therefore I am endorsing Andrew Kotyuk out of a sense of duty to California and the California Republican Party. Fire Chad Mayes, elect Andrew Kotyuk.

P.S. Andrew isn’t just waiting until he gets elected to change things for conservatives and move the ball down the field, he’s doing it right now.  As we speak he has been coordinating volunteers throughout the Inland Empire region to fight back against sanctuary cities and SB 54, AND WINNING. They have a strategy, effective logistics and the results to prove it. Go here to sign on to the NO SANCTUARY petition and get in on the effort.  https://kotyukforassembly.org/sanctuary

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