Mar 252018

Kevin Vest first came on my radar when he showed up to a Chad Bianco for Sheriff event with his wife and Ray the Executioner Wood with his wife.

The story was hysterically funny as they both had to pass another location of the same restaurant and make a 40 minute drive from their homes in the Hemet area to get to the location.

This led to Vest taking to facebook to whine, and since then he has been a rightondaily Pinata. Dozens of people have come forward with stories about Kevin Vest and his ruthless, sometimes unethical behavior. This makes Vest another poster child for team Sniff.

More recently, Vest was outed as having sent Lt’s exam test questions to Aaron Kent – he of the $300K+ in overtime pay from 2013-2016.

Now Vest is crying in his beer because your intrepid blogger seems to be getting photos of Chad Bianco events in real time. (I take note that Vest and crew are NOT attending Hemet Dave events, either because Mr. Brown is not doing them or because they don’t view Hemet Dave as a threat)

The problem for Vest and Stan Sniff’s suck ups management team is that your intrepid blogger has multiple sources and singular focus.

Attached for your viewing pleasure is Mr. Vest’s threat:

No one should be surprised that a man who has ended so many people’s careers unjustly would no be whining and threatening people with a legitimate chance that he will lose his cushy $250K a year+ job. He claims to be an innocent player yet there he was at a Chad Bianco event about a month ago…

The people on the second floor deserve no quarter due to the way they have behaved and because of what they have done.

Please also note that Jim Flint is yet another fake profile that has been set up by Team Sniff, probably to repeat the same tactics they’ve been using as of late with… (as they polish their halos)

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  4 Responses to “Stan Sniff Update: Assistant Sheriff Kevin Vest takes to facebook to threaten people!”

  1. If those are the words of Asst. Sheriff Kevin Vest then I say boo fucking hoo you lying sack of dog shit. You tried to lie your way out of your ridiculous attempt to intimidate department members when you and that arrogant asshole Lyndon Wood showed up Romanos restaurant during the friends of Chad Bianco event. Instead of just being truthful and saying you were being a good little Nazi soldier and following your marching orders given by Der Fuhrer, you tried to lie and convince others you assholes just happened to be there by chance.

    Your lies did not fool even one person and only made you out to be even a bigger asshole than people already thought you were. You are nothing but a lying, cheating son of a bitch. go have your little pity party somewhere else you rotten piece of shit. You, Wood and Sniff can kiss my ass!

    As long as that insecure little son of bitch Stan Sniff continues to play his little intimidation games, all of you pieces of shit on the second floor can remain on the hit list of the intrepid blogger. Believe me, he has far more people than you know of working with him to do God’s work in getting Sniff out of office.

  2. Ouch I bet that hurt?

  3. I wonder if the poor pity me post was his attempt to distance himself from the pending lawsuit coming. To bad you can’t go back and retract and forever delete previous posts huh. The attempt to intimidate and threaten subordinates from having a political belief and supporting a candidate off duty on their own time is our own choice. The threat that they will be watched as posted on his Facebook! Can you say POBAR violation and better yet since he claimed off duty dinner but act as if he was a supervisor makes it punitive. Average POBAR violations between 25-50k times 3000 department members in a class action you do the math, steam roller is coming

  4. Vest…it breaks my heart you haven’t lived up to the management style you should live up to. Hide behind FB all you want, put out bread crumbs to see who bites, but the level of disrespect many members have for you and your cronies goes beyond FB’s virtual boarders.

    You have proven to be dishonest and a person willing to intimidate Bianco supporters by showing up to that meeting. Lying you and Pecker Ray were in the neighborhood. We know what’s up. Certainly your big dome has some brains to put two and two together.

    Saying you don’t care is lying. Certainly you care. Because if anyone wins but Sniff, you’re future takes a different path, doesn’t it?

    Man up and stop posting shit like some pussy nine year old. Grow a pair and get off the FB already. It’s a sinking ship like the 2nd Floor.

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