Mar 292018

Coverups. Aaron Kent, Christian Dekker, Mismanagement, Lt. Rose, Lt. Bostrom, Kurly, Lyndon Ray Wood, Christopher Brandon Ford, Kevin Vest, Captain Tripod, cheating, overtime abuse, subjective terminations, sex abuse and the list goes on…

In Riverside County, the story of the founder of the Sheriff’s Activity League who was a serial child molester is exploding. An investigator came forward to the local media.

Sniff’s response was horrific politically.

The facts of the case are disturbing, former Master Investigator Kevin Duffy was molesting children in the Sheriff’s Activity League for years. It came apart on him in 2008 and the investigators were starting to piece together details of his double life. They had a total of 7 confirmed victims with as many as 250 more children defined as high risk.

With the walls closing in on him Kevin Duffy committed suicide. Note, if you watch the video, you learn that Duffy was not arrested and attempted suicide twice before actually killing himself. It is also clear that the second floor at the time was hoping he’d off himself ostensibly to be able to close the thing down and make it go away.

The details of this case are critical –See Stan Sniff’s response:

Sniff claims 2 confirmed victims, there were 7.

Sniff claims the case was closed properly, it was not. It currently shows as Open/Suspended which is why no one can do a “Freedom of Information Act” to get the file. THIS IS KEY

Sniff claims the case was closed properly, yet the investigators at the time were ORDERED to end the investigation. THIS IS ALSO KEY

Sniff’s response indicates he is quite upset about this revelation and it shows in the press release where he attacks the private investigator. The problem for Sniff is that the retired people and people on active duty that worked this case are still angry about being ordered off of it and still remember it. I’ve communicated with more than one person with direct knowledge of this case.

For 9 years Stan Sniff has been quiet about this case, but has been forced to double down on the cover-up. More will be revealed, including details of actual lawsuits that followed in 2009, including what county staff and admin staff did to try and keep the lid on it. (Yes, Sniff lied about that as well in his press release)

Stan Sniff has himself a major-league issue that he has made worse with a lie-infested 10PM press release.

Note: As of 4:10PM 3/29/2018, the Riverside Press-Enterprise has written nothing about this story, continuing their clear pattern of being in the bag for the corrupt Sheriff.

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  8 Responses to “Riverside Confidential Special Update: Major Stan Sniff Cover Up of Serial Child Molester Dating Back to 2009 Exposed, Sniff’s Response? One of the Worst I’ve Ever Seen From an Elected Official”

  1. Apparently, during or right after that press conference, a Chief Deputy called the Hemet Station, which Purvis is the Captain of, and demanded all the evidence in this case be brought to the 2nd floor. Hmmm, why would they (2nd floor) need all the evidence?

  2. To destroy it.

  3. Ya know what’s also disturbing about this story… is that Deputy Duffy was the sole subject of the molestations IN HEMET, and he killed himself in CITY OF HEMET yet, there was little (to nothing) in the newspapers. (Cover-ups you say?) Hmmm….

    There was so little information put out that in one little Topix blog there was speculation that Duffy was simply caught with pornography.

    At the time this all went down (2009) Richard Dana was Hemet Police Chief, Dave Brown working under him. Dana retired in 2011 and Dave Brown (ya know, the Fife-inator now running for Riverside County Sheriff) became the interim Chief of Police and eventually full-time Chief. Brown also filled in for Hemet’s CM being paid a whopping salary exceeding that of Riverside CM Russo’s recent excessive contract – that Mayor Rusty Bailey is suing the city over.

    Both Dana and Brown would of course know about this case in-total since it all occurred in HEMET city limits during their stint and, while it was a Sheriff Deputy involved, HPD would in-fact be involved in the investigation – No?

    So… the problem I have with this case is that there were 7 confirmed molestations with a possibility of 250 more victims and no time did Dana or Brown reach out to the HEMET victims or the parents of the victims, or the citizens of Hemet seeking other victims, and push this horrific molestation case to court. It seems both Dana and Brown pandered to Little Hitler and facilitated in the cover-up. I’m also going to take a giant leap here and guess that there aren’t any files at HPD on this case either. Or if there were, they’re being destroyed as I write this… like they’re doing on the 2nd floor @ RSO.

    So, now we have Dave Brown, (possibly?) involved in this cover-up?

    Add to the fact that police chief and CM, Brown has left little Hemet is shambles, riddled with crime, blight, broke, all while being paid a huge salary to sit around his office inventing programs to trick the citizens into thinking he was going to “Take the Fear out of Crime”, and “Take Back Hemet” – which he failed at miserably.

    Brown has a plan. Now that he’s running for Sheriff it appears he’s spent more of the taxpayer’s money penning out his solutions to RSO’s internal problems while Hemet burns. This is Hemet Dave’s legacy of acronyms and failed programs and big aspirations.

    And he wants to be Sheriff of one of California’s largest counties? Ha!

  4. Very interesting angle, sir. VERY.

  5. Where was Sheriff Sniff’s press release in 2009, asking the public for information or if they were a victim of moleststation to call his department.

    Oh, I don’t think there was one…why?

  6. A former LEO brought up an excellent question….If Duffy had ligature marks on his neck and and also attempted to kill himself by carbon monoxide poisoning, why wasn’t he deemed 51-50 and admitted to a hospital? Negligence? Could Sniff be complicit in his death by sending Duffy home? This whole case “smacks” of a huge cover-up.

  7. Having spoken to one investigator on the case and emailed with another… it is patently clear that A) the Sheriff Lied in his press release and B) This was covered up. Admin was up to their neck as usual.

  8. Looking at how Duffy was handled, I find it suspicious he wasn’t arrested after that initial interview. I know investigators want to gather as much evidence and build a solid case beforehand, but when you’re dealing with children, the wheels of justice are slow and the case could continue if he posted bail (actually better if he did, it would allow more time to build the case). Also, one confirmed victim…okay…file that with the DA and notify them the case may have numerous victims forthcoming. These cases usually work that way, spiraling from one victim to many, many more.

Secondly, why he wasn’t 5150ed is also suspicious. Two suicide attempts and NO ONE was called? Ligature marks on his neck and someone thwarting his other attempt with carbon monoxide? If this was “professional courtesy,” on the part of any responding agency, there is certainly some culpability at the very least.

    Third, the coverup reeks of the same thing the Catholic Church did all those years ago. Imagine if this were done proper: the amount of victims, the bad publicity on the department under Sniff’s so called leadership (don’t want to be associated with running a department with sexual deviants, now do we?) and not to mention the lawsuits which would have been paid in the millions to all the potential victims. I thought we were “transparent” Sniffles? As transparent as one of Pecker Ray’s used condoms.

    It’s easy to see Duffy’s suicide (or was it? Do we really know what went on in that motel room?) was an easy way to close the investigation, wrap this up and tell everyone to go home, there is nothing to see here.

    And the case files are in the Eagle’s Nest? Someone correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t this unprecedented? WTF are they doing with the case files?

    Drew brings up some interesting theories and questions.

    But let’s be honest. This “handling” and mismanagement is no surprise given how Sniff runs the 2nd Floor and who he rewards and surrounds himself with. Pecker Ray with his morbid tattoo, Reptile Purvis running amok, allowing a person who is obviously disabled to promote to captain, taking money from the criminal element, CCW debacle, and crying, crying, crying we can’t do it without more money!!

    Fourth, Sniff, get that fucking “we’re looking to hire,” at the bottom of your press release removed. C’mon man!! Show some class!!



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