The PPIC poll, regarded as one of the most accurate in CA has Gavin at 28, Cox 14, Antonio 12, Pretty Boy 10, Chiang 6, Eastin 5 and the rest in the 1-3 range. Abut 24% are undecided.
Yesterday, John Cox announced the endorsement of Congressman Doug LaMalfa. LaMalfa joins Mimi Walters in the John Cox camp. This is a significant break and represents that Cox is starting to convince Republicans of all stripes he has the goods to be a competitive Governor Candidate.
Finally, one of the largest County Republican Parties in California, the Sacramento GOP endorsed John Cox unanimously last night. They Join Fresno and San Mateo, all large county Republican Parties in endorsing John Cox.
(Please note that Hyperlinks are in Red or Blue in this blog, every one has additional info)
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