Some people just don’t get it. They can’t help themselves, enjoy a sampling of social media responses to your intrepid blogger. #LIVINGRENTFREE
Mazarei also followed up with a proorly written legal demand letter that he tagged 100 people in on facebook. Perhaps he should have tagged more people. He also sent a press release as well. Perhaps he needs to make sure more people find out about the existing legal issues his business has.
The most priceless snippet from the legal demand letter is pasted here (typos and all):
You also imply that Mr. Mazarei is a violent and dangerous man because he has been photographed posing with a variety of weapons. That he would be photographed like that is not surprising given that he is a Federally Licensed Class III Firearms Dealers supplying weapons to local Law Enforcement and Homeland Security officers. (In case you are wondering, I note that he has not sold weapons to the Riverside County Sherif s Department, though he proudly counts many individual officers and deputies as customers and friends.)
There was also a “hitler video” made that apparently has some people in a wad.
That video has received thousands of views and is being openly discussed all over Riverside County.
It is only January and the fur is flying around here. It appears that Sheriff Sniff has never been held accountable for his actions.
It is going to be a long 5 months for sure, but is appears that Sniff and crew feel the train coming down the tracks.
Just to further en-capsulize the entire flavor of the responses, we’ve been asking a lot of open ended questions about seemingly strange things we have been seeing.
One such question was about the very cozy pictures with the mystery woman. Thanks to another person’s outburst on facebook we have a name for her. Apparently she, like mny friends of the Sheriff is a CCW holder (she has allegedly bragged to people about it, I’ve yet to confirm if in fact she is).
Sometimes, here at RightonDaily, ordinary citizens do their part in helping us piece together stories. Some of these stories are going to be game-changers once we’ve zeroed in on all of the data.
That said, we’d like to thank the following facebook rant linked below for helping us greatly as we piece together the story of Sheriff Stan Sniff.
Yes, I am a Raiders Fan, too. I know that may be a bigger issue for some than the disaster that has beset Riverside County, but I digress.
This stuff writes itself sometimes. I’d try to explain to my new fan what she just did to herself, but that might be better reserved for a daytime TV show…
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Ali suffers from low self-esteem. Have you noticed how he has 4,000 friends on his FB page, but only two or three respond to his BS postings.? And from what I heard from people who attended his Stan Sniff fundraiser the so called ” Belly Dancers” were actually lap dancers giving lap dances to the men only. Another interesting note, Ali was so desperate to throw the skin sink out of the window just to impress Sniff with his wife’s money. Yes, that’s right. HE married into money. The poor women must have been totally drunk when she said yes to marrying him.
Funny to see Tony Pelato, a man who couldn’t hang as treasurer for RSA because of “juvenile behavior,” complaining about the same whilst sucking up to admin. Like the current administration, he’s all for himself.