It looks like the free-speech loving democrats of Sun City Lincoln are trying to get the Tea Party United shut down and denied access from the clubhouse in Sun City!
Please show up and support the Tea Party United as they fight to keep Lincoln (and South Placer County) free and Conservative, despite the best efforts of the Bay-Area transplants who have moved there and can’t figure out it is their politics and electeds that drove them out of the Bay Area.
The urgent message from Dan Catania follows:
2. The Republican Club is having a meeting at Killaga Springs June 26th and 6:30 PM. The Subject is the 2nd amendment with speaker Craig Deluz. This event is for Republicans and Conservatives only
We received word that the Democrat Club in Del Webb is planing to stage a protest at this meeting.
This is an outrageous and ignorant plan coming from the Ignorant Democrat Party and the Crazies on the left.
If the ignorant violent crazies in the Democrat Party follow through with this protest it could cause all political events to be banned from Del Webb. Of course that may not stop the insane Democrats.
Regardless if the Crazies show up or not, we need a strong showing and we must support our 2nd amendment rights
Liz wheeler laid out a brief History of the Violent Democrats during her One America News program, you can view it at the link below.
This is a great way to take a stand against the democrats, the KKK and people that want to steal your guns.
I just might go to a Tea Party event.
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