Apr 132017

The CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister rallied the Bathroom Boys and others on the CRA’s Board to reject the surrender of the Sutter Yuba RA Charter.

Their main reason was the existence of 4 fabled people that wanted to keep the Sutter-Yuba Republican Assembly together to lead a resurgence of the CRA in that area. (I guess to a 15 member shell like the Placer RA or Sac RA?)

4 people? I have an idea of who two may be and they are not CRA members, at least not anytime in the last 5 years once the 2011 CRA Convention fiasco abated.

According to a letter sent to the CIR Board By Larry Virga the former president of the former Sutter-Yuba Republican Assembly, they called everyone on their roster and no one wanted to stay in CRA. Having recently been at a meeting of the newly formed Sutter-Yuba Constitutional Republicans, I can tell you that there are a ton of brand new members in to the new organization. This is a good thing as the taint of the CRA does not need to be spread in to other Republican Groups.

Of further note – Larry noted that he is still listed as a CRA Board Member, and that the CRA’s website lists Larry as the SYRA President. In fact, as of the publication of this blog, there are non California Residents and collapsed CRA Units still listed on the website. #EPICFAIL

P.S. Look at the email that is page 2 of the attached document. The CRA never cashed the SYRA’s renewal dues check in 2016.

By the CRA’s own by-laws, that unit does not exist now as it has no paid members. The Thomas N Hudson Era in CRA, with optional By-Laws supplanted by hair-splitting legal nuance is the order of the day.

Since the CRA has a permanent charter from the CAGOP, there is no accountability for fraud in the organization nor its’ repeated violation of its’ own By-Laws.

The CRA’s current leadership told everyone that the CRA would be better run without the Park Brothers Around. I suppose waiting 10 months to cash a check is one such improvement. Perhaps optional California residency is another.

Strange things happen when face-saving becomes the order of the day.

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