Apr 022017

If you follow California Politics, the Sacramento Bee has been on a rampage against the Board of Equalization.  When they are not openly displaying their hatred of Christians attacking local charities with slanted, biased stories, the Bee has been writing legitimate stories blasting the board for their practices of using wads of taxpayer money to benefit individual members.

Thomas N Hudson works for the Board of Equalization.

CRA VP Bill Cardoza works for the feckless Ted Gaines. So does Damian Fussell, the CRA’s resident liberal. Cardoza used to work for the BOE before going over to Ted Gaines’ State Senate shop. AS reported on this blog, the serial office-shopper Ted Gaines was purchasing annoying slate mail cards for his next campaign even before his election to his final term in the State Senate was complete! Ted Gaines is running for Board of Equalization.

I’ve seen photos from CRA meetings and conventions suggesting several other BOE Employees are active in CRA. Given that your intrepid blogger has exposed the CRA’s real membership to be no more than 700 people statewide (likely closer to 600), even 5 BOE (or prospective BOE) staffers on their rolls is extremely disproportionate. Further, given that 2 of those are senior officers in the CRA, you have to take pause.

The CRA endorsed Stephen Baird over Ted Gaines in 2016, as Gaines has been hostile to the State of Jefferson movement.

Why was Ted Gaines front and center at the just concluded CRA Convention? He wants something. And, you’d have to be brain dead to think that Thomas N Hudson, Bill Cardoza and others did not and do not have a serious interest in the outcome of that election next year. (Note, I will be supporting (Fill in the name of Republican candidate here) over Ted Gaines in 2018)

Thomas N Hudson rips off the taxpayers for $117K + another $47K in bloated benefits as of 2015. I am not sure how much his undeserved raise in 2016 was, but if it tracked past years, it would put his total package in 2016 at around $175K. How many of you reading this blog make $175k a year? How many of you would love to see this guy crying poor to the judge in his divorce case with said salary?

Trainwreck Teddy represents Thomas N Hudson’s next paycheck. He also represents the next paycheck for the others I mentioned previously.

The BOE was nuked by the State Auditor’s office for their lax enforcement of actually doing state work on state time:

Some employees are not performing the revenue-generating tasks they have been assigned, according to the audit, calling into question the agency’s budget requests and skirting the law.

“Certain board member practices have intervened in administrative activities and created inconsistencies in operations, breakdowns in centralized processes and in certain instances result in activities contrary to state law and budgetary and legislative directives,” the audit says.

No kidding. Have you ever gotten a call at 2 in the afternoon or a 6 page email at 10AM from Hudson in the middle of the week? I am sure Trainwreck Teddy will be a great boss to work for to continue the time-honored 6 figure salary with fringe benefits for optional work. When I type blogs and screw around on Facebook in the middle of the day, I am not selling insurance. Maybe the times when I am doing paid political work for a candidate merit that activity, but it always comes at a price to my insurance business.

In the case of Hudson, we are paying that price. In the case of Cardoza and others, it is simply the time-honored practice of pimping the CRA to a candidate in order to benefit one’s self. The CRA expelled several people for doing that, including Jim Nielsen and Doug LaMalfa’s current chiefs of staff. They got screwed. They were doing nothing different than those that helped expel them.

While Hudson is a “Tenured Civil Servant” who will keep a job regardless of member, should someone not named Ted Gaines get elected to that seat, Hudson could get an office in the basement, time off requests denied, assigned duties that require travel to Modoc County, etc. Trying to fend this off is the likely motive for Mr. Hudson pushing the CRA in the direction of Trainwreck Teddy, who they rebuffed just a few months ago.

The BOE is in chaos. Betty Yee, the California State Controller (who has a reputation of being an honest liberal) publicly called for the BOE to be dissolved because of its’ corruption.

BOE member Fiona Ma, echoed the call. While it is transparent she is trying to get free publicity for her State Treasurer race (in that regard she is no different than Hudson, Gaines or a host of others), she raised some valid points.

Existing Republican Members George Runner and Diane Harkey are pushing back against the calls to dissolve the BOE. Runner is the termed-out member Ted Gaines has been courting for support, appearing at events with him and trying to secure his endorsement.

The BOE is a mess. Hudson wants to keep a job, including the ability to flaunt the trust of the taxpayers in the middle of the day with God-knows-what PAC or group he is a part of at center stage, versus the Job his estimated $175K salary+package is supposed to be paying for.

Yee and Ma have one thing right. There are too many Thomas N Hudson’s in the BOE abusing the system. (and what’s left of the CRA in the process)

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