Sep 292016

Did you know that the Placer CRA wants to be known as the Reagan Republicans of Placer County?

So – I took a look at their latest endorsement list. I see a lot of Social Liberals on it and even some democrats!

Recently, they had a meeting somewhere in Roseville and a handful of candidates came to their meeting. But, their endorsement list appears to indicate that they did a poor job of vetting and that some of their decisions were affected by personal beefs. (Imagine that)

The CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister is a member of this local skeleton chapter. He of all people would know that section 17.05a of the CRA’s By Laws is explicit about the following:

“Only Registered Republicans May Be Endorsed for ANY Office”

However, since only the CRA’s Pol-Pot bellied information minister can invalidate endorsements done in violation of the CRA’s By-Laws, I doubt that he will do the right thing. (The CRA’s by-laws state that the State President can invalidate local endorsements after an investigation) However, It is still appropriate to point out the hypocrisy of the PCRA.

There is a second layer – they (the PCRA) are also allegedly socially conservative.

In the Roseville Joint Union High School District – there are 5 people running, yet only 3 are Republicans. Only 1 of the 5 running is a social conservative and he was not endorsed in favor of a democrat who is not. The two Republicans who actually did get endorsed are not social conservatives.

In the Roseville City School District – a labor union leader democrat was endorsed amongst two Republicans.

If you look at their flyer, it gets even more absurd as it highlights “Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Taxpayer” candidates.

All but 2 of the people endorsed for City Councils Support Measure M.

All of the people endorsed for Roseville School Boards support Measure D and all but one of them are pro-choice, and over half support Gay Marriage.

Strange things happen when you are trying to send a message, it is kind of like detonating your bomb vest in your own living room. (and getting wine everywhere)

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