What a headline you may exclaim.
For those of you with short memories, allow your intrepid blogger to remind you about Kevin “Tropical Depression” Hanley. (“Hurricane” Hanley is what he called himself in the AD06 campaign.) Kevin Hanley was deign to tell people that the Chamber of Commerce he was the CEO of was in fact, Auburn.
Auburn is not in AD06. Kevin Hanley had to pull a Gaines and move to run in AD06.
During the ill-fated campaign that saw Mr. Hanley blow through $130k+ of his own money despite having the fundraising machine of Congressman Tom McClintock behind him, he was the glorious crusader for truth and justice against funding much-needed transportation improvements.
This great evil is now known as Measure M. Measure M has been necessitated by the inaction of so many in partisan office as well as the priorities of Sacramento which are welfare payoffs to voters. Don’t bother the Tropical Depression with the facts of life in California.
Enter the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister Thomas N Hudson. Hudson apparently does not want Baseline Road widened in front of his lair. As I have written before, the information minister likely has a shrine to money in his living room and anything that takes a dime (in this case about $60 a year) from his shrine is apostasy.
In order to save said $60 a year, Hudson fired up the crane and hoisted himself in to his car to attend the 7:30 AM meeting of the Auburn Chamber’s Government Relations Committee. On or about 9/8/2016 Hudson and Hanley argued in vain against the truth of the need in Placer County.
I am sure Thomas N. Hudson spent an extra $15 on gas getting to the chamber meeting as the Prius was won by his soon-to-be ex-wife at the Casino is with her. So I am sure he drove one of his bought-at-auction 20 year old clunkers. (But, I am sure he is trying to steal the Prius from her in his divorce) One should also wonder if Mr. Hudson was able to make it to his taxpayer funded $166,000 a year job in time after the Auburn Chamber set fire to he and the Tropical Depression. (The Capitol Building is an easy hour from Auburn)
For those of you separating the humorous satire of stupidity from the sad reality, you are probably asking yourself why the CEO of a Chamber of Commerce turned himself in to an advocate on a local issue before the Chamber itself acted?
There was a campaign to win and a vainglorious crusade. During the AD06 campaign, a lot of people had their blinders on as did Hanley. The Tropical Depression hired a pro-gay marriage, pro-marijuana legalization, anti capital punishment, soft-on-abortion recently registered Republican as a campaign operative while campaigning as a hard-right Conservative. I’ve also yet to hear about Mr. Hanley offering his support to our nominees Kevin Kiley or Donald Trump for that matter. (ironically, the “hard-right” Hanley supported John Kasich)
Will Kevin Hanley resign his position as CEO of the Auburn Chamber? Did he really mean it when he was attacking people for supporting (what is now known as) Measure M? How can he advocate the position of the Auburn Chamber when he took a hostile action and lost unanimously against?
The Tropical Depression can take solace in the fact that the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister is going to spend his every waking hour (sober or otherwise) trying to keeeeeeeel Measure M. One must avenge the infamy of Measure B.
That is the question everyone should be asking – will Kevin Hanley do the honorable thing and resign his position as CEO of the Auburn Chamber? There is no way anyone can trust him to do his job now that his signature issue has been unanimously endorsed by the Auburn Chamber of Commerce.
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