Jun 022016

This is how I would vote if I had a vote in every race in Placer County:

US Senate – Duf Sundheim. He is the best chance for the GOP.

CD01 – Doug LaMalfa or Joe Montes. I endorsed Montes, but LaMalfa endorsed and is actively assisting Bill Halldin.

CD04 – Tom McClintock, the only Republican on the Ballot

SD01 – Steven Baird

AD01 – Brian Dahle

AD05 – Frank Bieglow

AD06 – Bill Halldin www.billhalldin.com 

Placer SUP D3 – Jim Holmes
Placer SUP D4 – Kirk Uhler
Placer SUP D5 – Michael Babich is the Republican Candidate Running

Prop 50 – No, but hell no.

Placer GOP Cent Com District 1 – Vote ONLY for Eric Eisenhammer – he has been targeted for elimination by independent groups.

Placer GOP Cent Com District 2 – Vote for Joe Patterson, Kathy Arts and Laurie Wallace

Placer GOP Cent Com District 3 – Vote for for Ken Hubert and Greg Janda

I am opposed to staff of partisan officeholders holding positions on Central Committees period no matter how much I like some of them. I do not know many of those on the ballot that are not staff.

Jun 012016

Supporters Picture (1)As I write this – Kevin Kiley’s Bay Area Liberal Donors are attempting to ride to his rescue.

They did an astroturf call and a piece of mail that is known at this point.

I will see young Mr. Kiley’s liberals and raise him 70 Republican Leaders.

#AD06, Leadership.

Starting from the top left:

Roseville Mayor Carol Garcia

State Senator Jim Nielsen

Rocklin Councilmember Scott Yuill

Roseville Vice-Mayor Susan Rohan

Assembly-Member Frank Bigelow

Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters

Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler

Roseville Councilmember Pauline Rocucci

Popular Former Assembly-Member Roger Niello

Lincoln Councilmember Paul Joiner

Roseville Councilmember Bonnie Gore

Placer County Supervisor Robert Weygant