Jun 052016

I am a dirty, rotten, mean racist.

Soy un hombre malo. Yo no pudeo entender lo que puse seguir viviendo conmigo.

I just can’t help but marvel at the stupidity of Victor Bekhet, along with his personal corruption.

Victor is the business owner with an expired LLC and an expired securities license AND an illegally placed Double Wide on his property. Get the theme? He does not pay his bills… and his main supporters are Republican and Tea Party leaders.

Hey, who cares about character when you have a score to settle! Debra Jackson, Ken Campbell and other accomplices that may or may not include the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister Thomas N. Hudson and Placer GOP Chairman Dennis C Revell are supporting this guy.

Victor Bekhet just recorded his own robocall. Please listen at your own risk. When done, please laugh your — off like I did. Then, google psychiatrists in the area to connect his supporters to.

Bekhet is going to get stomped.

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