Jun 062016

imagesPlacer GOP Chairman Dennis Revell stood up. He basically called Dave Gillard and Kevin Kiley out for violating the California GOP trademark The soundbyte from Dave Gilliard was priceless as well. Well done, Dennis Revell, thank you for standing up for the integrity of the GOP.

The KFBK Story is linked here for now

. Soon the story should be on their website.

Where was Kevin Kiley with his glibb lawyer comebacks? Why did Gilliard have to respond?

The story also took on Gilliard and Kiley for their claims that Republican Party leaders are uniting behind Mr. Kiley. It is the only card they can play at this point, I get that – but it is still a lie.

KFBK’s story covered both the deceptive use of the Republican Elephant and the messaging of Kiley’s mailers and Walk Pieces. The story concluded by reminding listeners that Kiley has not been endorsed by the GOP at any level… ‘

… which is another theme. Pete Wilson’s lawyer’s son works for Kiley, the California Republican Taxraisers Association is purchased and the Small Business Association also endorsed three other candidates. The GOP endorsement appears to not be available on amazon.com, or done in triplicate – therefore Mr. Kiley was unable to obtain a copy.

Dave Gilliard is an outstanding and effective Republican Consultant. This is not one of his finer moments. Young Mr. Kiley is not acting quite as confident these days.



IMG_0693EL DORADO HILLS – El Dorado County Republican Party Chairman Dallas Sweeney today urged voters to disregard misleading campaign literature that implies that the Republican Party has endorsed a candidate in the State Assembly District 6 race.

 “The Republican Party has not endorsed any Republican candidate in this race,” Sweeney said. “None of the three county party committees that cover Assembly District 6 have made any endorsement or is urging voters to cast their ballots for any candidate. The state party has made no endorsement.”

 Mr. Sweeney’s comment comes after an Assembly candidate published mailers and handouts that use a Republican elephant logo and claim that ‘Republican Party leaders have endorsed’ one candidate and urged voters to cast their ballots for him.

 “These statements are misleading and the use of the Republican Party logo is an effort to confuse and mislead voters,” Mr. Sweeney said. “It’s regrettable that any candidate would mislead voters with these kinds of representations.”

 Assembly District 6 includes parts of Placer, Sacramento and El Dorado counties. There are eight Republican candidates competing in Tuesday’s election.

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  One Response to “#AD06 UPDATE: Kevin Kiley Gets Lit Up for Deceptive Campaign BY KFBK and ElDorado GOP”

  1. I can’t believe I actually reposted something from you! Congrats!

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