Apr 242016

IMAG1390 (1)Kevin Kiley is a first-time candidate for Assembly. As I have written previously, he is young. 31. Single, never married. He has had 3 jobs in the 4 years he has been removed from Law School.

He moved back to Placer County after being away for 12 years and within 2 weeks, declared his candidacy for Assembly. It is a fair question to ask, had this seat not come open, would Kiley have moved?

It is also clear that Kiley has limited real support within the district and his lack of connection to it is causing some #EPICFAILs.

Kevin Kiley decided to pay a lot of money to have COGS come out in the middle of the night installing signs all over the district. His installer either was unaware of sign ordinances or simply was given orders to ignore them.

(Pictured are two Carl’s Jr. Employees removing one of young Mr. Kiley’s illegally placed signs from in front of their restaurant.)

I have also been made aware that private property owners whose rights were violated by Kiley’s campaign have also removed Kiley’s litter from their property.

You’d think a Yale-Educated Lawyer would know better.

It gets better – Here is a copy of Mr. Kiley’s candidate questionnaire for the League of Cities.

Take a close look. It looks like it is written in Crayon. I got an Associates’ Degree from Fresno City College at the age of 19. That is the extent of my education. I did not need to go to Yale to figure out that writing out a candidate questionnaire in Crayon for a major organization is an #EPICFAIL.

Did Mr. Kiley flunk more courses than just the ethics course at Yale? (Note the stains on the questionnaire as well, was he up late having Pizza and Beer filling out questionnaires?)

While I have lampooned other candidates in the past, it appears that Young Mr. Kiley is rising to the top of the #EPICFAIL list with a double-dose of #EPICFAIL all his own.


Apr 232016

Please note – I am helping Bill Halldin and was proud to have been involved in helping him from almost the day he decided to run for AD06. This blog post is written from a 30,000 foot view as best I can despite my personal interest in electing Bill Halldin to the Assembly.

Where do we stand right now in the #AD06 race?

Andy Pugno – everyone acknowledges that he has a name ID advantage. Apparently, Andy Pugno and his campaign consultant Tim Clark (who was also hired by Rob Manafort to work for Donald Trump in California) were convinced enough that Mr. Clark had been working behind the scenes to try to set Pugno up for a run.

In addition – Tim Clark or Andy Pugno himself believe that his chances are so good that Mr. Pugno just contributed $200,000 more to his own campaign. Pugno can not recover this money, unlike the first $100,000. I will be curious to see how that money was spent at the end of the day. I am also curious to see how Tim Clark can run the entire state for Donald Trump while helping Pugno.

All this said, had I not been involved helping Bill Halldin from Day One – I’d have certainly been involved in Andy Pugno’s campaign. Pugno remains my second choice in #AD06.

Kevin Kiley – a young trial lawyer who supports Gay Marriage and has publicly attacked Andy Pugno for writing Proposition 8, has reported $80,700 in contributions since the 24-hour period opened. Only $6500 is from the Sacramento Area. It is safe to say that this young socially liberal trial lawyer is funded by Bay Area Liberals (and donors from New York and Washington DC).

Kiley has had limited campaign activity and has made interesting decisions on spending and content appears to be running to the center in the primary by touting the endorsement of a GOP-Destroying former Governor. Kiley has also signaled that he is going to attack Bill Halldin as he has been running his mouth liberally inside the district.

Cristi Beckstead-Nelson – her campaign appears to be running out of steam. She has had events that have generated little or no interest, other than placing some extremely large banners on roadsides has had little campaign activity. Beckstead-Nelson is how she is listed in county records and her voter registration, yet she is running from her legal name in her campaign. Beckstead-Nelson is also a social liberal.

Beckstead-Nelson’s campaign appears to be running out of steam. She has reported only $6800 in large checks in all of 2016. She also appears to have spent a lot of her own money and may never recoup the $100k she is on pace to lose.

Kevin “Hurricane” Hanley – has chipped in $105,000 of his own money. Aside from Halldin and Pugno, Hanley is the only other candidate running or AD06 I consider qualified and able to do the job. That said, Hanley’s campaign is headed nowhere and I sincerely hope he does not spend all of his own money.

Outside interests have polled. It appears that they are about ready to come in and make their presence known. What they do is anyone’s guess… Which gets me to Bill Halldin…

Having seen this from the inside – Halldin has a huge donor list that is likely larger than all of his opponents combined. The reports that will be public soon will show this. Secondly, these people are also helping the campaign all over the district.

Halldin, who is an unabashed Social Conservative, has managed to get the support and endorsement of people from across the spectrum of politics.

Halldin earned the following endorsements in the last two weeks: Doug Ose, Roger Niello, Congressman Doug LaMalfa, Senator Jim Nielsen, Assembly-Members James Gallagher and Frank Bigelow – representing a cross-section of the GOP and showing serious power for his candidacy.

This is going to aggregate and will make Halldin competitive with anyone running in this 11 candidate mess.

My analysis will stop here as the insanity will begin to hit people’s mailboxes soon. It is time for me to grab my Trump hat and some breakfast… gotta go get some precincts covered. Make #AD06 Great Again…

Apr 192016

Today, Bill Halldin became the undisputed front-runner of the #AD06 Mess. He bagged the most coveted endorsements left to get in this tussle. Jim Nielsen, Doug LaMalfa, James Gallagher and Frank Bigelow – all partisan electeds, represents a gigantic reset button in the race.

This is a message that despite the efforts of Cristi Beckstead-Nelson, Kevin Kiley and others to try and get institutional donor support – they failed where Bill Halldin Succeeded.

Cristi Beckstead-Nelson announced another law enforcement endorsement that was likely lined up by her family for her. To the best of my knowledge, the group involved did not even interview the other candidates.

Her fellow social liberal, Kevin Kiley sent out a retread email with previously announced endorsements.

Not to be outdone – Kevin Hurricane Hanley sent out a pay attention to me email announcing nothing. He called himself Hurricane Hanley, this is not me giving him a nickname. The email was also in third person like Rickey Henderson used to refer to himself in.

Kevin Kiley threw a temper tantrum in his email. The performances by the above three candidates were clear indicators of “endorsement envy” and I am expecting all of them to start attacking Bill Halldin asap… especially Young Mr. Kiley who has been raising tons of money from the Bay Area under false pretenses.

By virtue of evidence I have gathered, I have determined that Kiley is a skilled Liar. His ivy league law school training has indeed been misused.

When Young Mr. Kiley is in #AD06 – he claims he has raised most of his money from here. When you check the Secretary of State Website, you see that all of the 24 hour reports have been from outside the district… with most from the Bay Area.

Kiley signaled his future line of attack with a colossal lie in writing:

One of Kiley’s opponents, Bill Halldin, is the only GOP legislative candidate in the state endorsed by the California Teachers Association union, setting up a stark contrast with Kiley on issues relating to teacher tenure reform.

“I am committed to teacher tenure reform, higher standards in the classroom and the expansion of charter schools and parental choice in education,” said Kiley.

Kevin Kiley lied. Brian Dahle (AD01), Jay Obernolte (AD33) and Jordan Cunningham (AD35), all Republicans, were endorsed by CTA. Dahle and Obernolte are regarded as Conservatives.

The truth is only Halldin and another minor candidate returned the questionnaire. If you read the questionnaire, you’d realize that Halldin is a Conservative and anything but a Teacher’s Union lackey.

Kevin Kiley lied to donors as well both about the questionnaire and his involvement with the CTA – that story will be told later – but Young Mr. Kiley has staked the future of his campaign on attempting to drive the education lies home.

He has made it clear to people that he is coming after Bill Halldin as he has repeated the above lies about Halldin amongst other gross misrepresentations about his campaign and personal views to people around the district.

I am expecting him to repeat the above education-related lies in his mail.

Kiley’s temper tantrum has been informative as to what his strategy is going to be – aided and abetted by Bay Area donors. These sorts of undisciplined gaffes are what you expect from a 31 year old 4 years and 3 jobs out of law school.

Apr 192016


Dear Congressman LaMalfa – THANK YOU!

Dear Senator Nielsen – THANK YOU!

Dear Assemblyman Gallagher – THANK YOU!

Dear Assemblyman Frank Bigelow – THANK YOU!

Congressman Doug LaMalfa, Senator Jim Nielsen,
Assemblymember Frank Bigelow and Assemblymember James Gallagher
All Endorse Bill Halldin for Assembly
ROSEVILLE — The race for California’s 6th state Assembly district had a major development today with the announcement that Congressman Doug LaMalfa, State Senator Jim Nielsen, and Assemblymembers Frank Bigelow and James Gallagher were all throwing their support behind Rocklin business owner Bill Halldin for Assembly.
“I trust hard-working, conservative business owner Bill Halldin to protect taxpayers from the Sacramento big spenders,” Senator Nielsen said. “Bill will work with me to stop the early release of criminals and to ensure consequences for those who continue victimizing our communities. I enthusiastically endorse Bill Halldin for State Assembly.”
“Bill Halldin is a natural leader. We need leaders like Bill Halldin to join with me and the other conservative leaders in making the tough decisions in the State Assembly,” said Assemblymember Bigelow, who represents the neighboring 5th Assembly District. “Bill’s proven success at creating good paying, local jobs and owning a successful business for 17 years make him uniquely qualified to serve. I am proud to endorse Bill Halldin for Assembly.”
The four join more than 50 elected officials, former Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Ose, former Assemblymember Roger Niello, the Roseville Chamber of Commerce PAC, the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce PAC and the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce PAC in supporting Halldin’s conservative campaign for Assembly.
“I’m honored to have earned the support of leaders such as Senator Nielsen, Congressman LaMalfa and Assemblymembers Bigelow and Gallagher,” Halldin said. “They have given back so much to our community and our state through their service as strong, conservative leaders.”
Bill has operated his business, Halldin Public Relations, since 1999, growing it to annual revenue of more than $1 million. Bill was selected as Business Person of the Year by the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce in 2015 for his commitment to excellence and recognized with William Jessup University’s Faith & Service Award.
Bill has served as a Trustee for Sierra College since 2011, including as President of the Board from 2013 to 2015. He’s been an active community volunteer, serving as Chair of the William Jessup University Community Relations Council, President of the Sierra College Foundation and as a Board Member of the Roseville Area Chamber of Commerce.
Bill and his wife, Susan, have been married for more than 22 years and are the parents of two children: Kathryn, 18, a freshman at Wheaton College; and Michael, an 8th grade student at Spring View Middle School. Susan Halldin is a member of the Rocklin School Board.
For more information on Bill’s campaign, visit www.BillHalldin.com.
Apr 192016

No incumbent deserves re-election. They have to earn it. Period.

John Moorlach is selfish and does nothing to help anyone but himself. Moorlach is also reputed to be acerbic and aloof to people he deems unimportant and he also holds life-long grudges so the story goes. That was the nexus of Don Wagner’s run against him.

Mimi Walters is a freshman Congresswoman whose inaugural Heritage Score was a “D”. Apparently, this is the nexus for Greg Raths to run against her.

Hold the above thoughts for Dana Rohrabacher’s Press Release:

Statement by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

I intend to run for re-election in 2018.

I very much enjoy and am honored to represent my constituents in the 48th Congressional District. My only plans are to continue to do so in 2016, 2018, and beyond. There has been some recent speculation as to appointments if there is a new Republican Administration.  They are simply speculation at this point and not part of my plans.  I can think of nothing more important than serving my constituents and my country in the United States Congress.  It’s an honor and a privilege.

I am disappointed to hear that Scott Baugh has been raising money for a 2018 campaign against me.  Scott Baugh represented to me and many of my supporters/donors that he would never run against me and was only raising money for when I retire. Baugh now seems to be evolving out of that commitment.  I hope that he would return contributions from those who were assured it would never be used in a race against me.

I am proud that I have served our country and my constituents with integrity and will continue to use my experience and my seniority to look out for their interests.

Scott Baugh is a hypocrite. Fred Whitaker is a hypocrite. Many others in OCGOP Leadership are hypocrites.

Whitaker and the OC GOP leadership are attempting to hold up chartering two local volunteer clubs because they don’t like what I am writing on this blog. I am not sure how I, living 440 miles away have gotten so much power that a few small minded people that can’t handle accountability want to hurt other people to vent their frustrations about what I am writing.

Orange County is turning Blue under their watchful eye. I know some that are trying to stop it – but the institutional inertia for the status quo outweighs morality, innovation and any vision for the future.

Scott Baugh is a former Chairman of the OC GOP. He and others on the OC GOP (including current Chairman Fred Whitaker) in their attempts to defend the status quo pointed out that the over $300k raised by Don Wagner, including the 30+K in recent years directly to the OC GOP did not matter. John Moorlach deserved re-election at all costs.

One such cost will be that $30k that Wagner raised is now gone and Moorlach will not raise a dime. He has told leadership as such – even as they were preparing to try and save him from Don Wagner! Apparently, the OC GOP leadership does not need the $30k, a small price to pay to maintain the status quo.

Mimi Walters was defended by Fred Whitaker in a conference call. His primary defense WAS ALL THE MONEY MIMI WALTERS RAISED FOR THE PARTY. Don Wagner raised more. He does not matter, he is not an incumbent.

Real people don’t look at incumbency. Only other incumbents worried about the precedent and what it means to them. We call this self-serving party organizational suicide.

If Mimi Walters deserves re-election because of her fundraising and recruiting of other candidates – then John Moorlach (the double-dipping, pension-spiking “conservative”) deserved to go.

Nope. The OC GOP has no moral high ground to stand on or credibility in my opinion and I write this as some of the same power brokers are rigging the election of the upcoming Orange County GOP Central Committee.

The OC GOP has no moral basis to oppose Greg Raths or attempt to bully him. They need to stand up and be counted as a part of the establishment that has brought us the rage-based coalition of Donald Trump. Trump’s rise is 100% due to the epic moral failure of GOP leadership characterized by situational ethics and prizing the status quo more than anyone or anything else.

This leads us to Dana Rohrabacher. Rohrabacher was FORCED TO DEFEND HIMSELF. Why? The OC GOP actually looks like they did not defend one of their incumbents!!!

So, I can’t even say the OC GOP are denizens of the Status-Quo? It appears that the desire to avoid conflict took them in to a state of paralysis.

Dear Congressman Rohrabacher. I don’t know you. I have met you only once. I will defend you. You deserve better than to be discarded by a new generation of self-serving pseudo-conservative opportunists.

Not everyone in the OCGOP are bad people. There are many good, solid people there. It is time to discard Scott Baugh. It is time to discard Fred Whitaker and let’s get leadership with consistency to principle and a spine.

As a concluding note: To my friends in the newly forming OC GOP volunteer clubs, my apologies if the leadership of the OC GOP uses me as an excuse to protect the status quo. If they deny your charter because of me, that’s on them, not you.