Apr 112016

Well, it looks like Ken Campbell has joined Victor Bekhet screaming. Victor Bekhet sent out a press release (with a 650 area code number on it), decrying all the horrible mean things your intrepid blogger has been doing to him.

Apparently, Mr. Campbell lacks creativity… or perhaps it is just a burning rage. It is indeed difficult to be creative when you are psychotically enraged over a 14 year old grudge. Campbell does indeed like to write inaccurate letters to the editor in local papers to vent his flames.

I do appreciate that Ken Campbell counts himself amongst the thousands of loyal readers of this blog. Because of the support of he, Bekhet and so many others our readership outnumbers most local papers. (Including the Lincoln and Auburn Papers – both of whom have housed his screeds for years)

Ken sent the following email to the Placer GOP Central Committee in an effort to get them to endorse the non-Republican Victor Bekhet. Since the Placer GOP has allowed its’ members to advocate against the nominees of the Republican Party in the past without consequence, why should any of us be surprised by this?

Dear Central Committee,

Supervisor Kirk Uhler’s dishonest, unethical behavior and potentially criminal campaign activity.

I received a phone call on Friday, 3/18 from Victor Bekhet.  Bekhet wanted to introduce himself since we had never met.  Apparently he had read Aaron F. Park’s blog (I did not know anyone read that trash), and Park claimed I was supporting Bekhet…and Bekhet  wanted to meet me.  The second time I talked to Bekhet was at the 3/29 Republican function at Sun City.

Admittedly, I had very little interest in the Placer County District 4 Supervisor’s race—until the events of last week.

Uhler produced phony campaign fliers for Bekhet directing people to a phony website Uhler manufactured containing false and slanderous information about Bekhet.  Uhler had his identical political twin and paid campaign worker ($3,500), Aaron F. Park, blanket cars in the parking lot at a MAC meeting with the fliers. Uhler was so proud of his handy-work that he personally walked up to Bekhet to hand him a flier.

All this is detailed in Bekhet’s press release (pasted below) along with the attachments proving the press release.

Please read this.  Do you support this?  Debate the issues but don’t assassinate and slander the character of the opponent.  Where does Bekhet go to get his reputation back?

I know not what course others may take, but as for me I can not defend, support or stand silent as Uhler uses these campaign tactics.  Please read the following and chose for yourself.

Allow me to remind Mr. Campbell that Rage is covered under the first amendment, just like nuking lousy candidates for office.

Dennis Revell has a problem. He has not led and is trying to avoid this problem all together and now it is a five alarm fire.

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