Apr 122016

I am receiving communication related to www.victorbekhet.com. Victor Bekhet (dot) com is a website backed up with factual information. The reporter can certainly avail herself of the documentation on the website.

Having seen David Stafford Reade’s past media drills based on bald-faced lies that culminated in a story on the front page of the Sacramento Bee on 7/11/2011 quoting Doug LaMalfa and Ted Gaines accusing the Placer GOP of money laundering… I’ve seen this all before!

Dennis Revell is a PR Guy. He has access to media contacts and is no stranger to media drills.

Revell is also a long time buddy of David Stafford Reade – both are connected through the Lincoln Clubs and other establishment Republican groups. David Stafford Reade was the prime mover behind Dennis Revell being elected Placer GOP Chairman after Reade and others organized a $45,000 independent expenditure targeting conservative members of the committee (some of whom lost, paving the way for the socially liberal Revell to get elected chairman).

Revell has also taken his cues from Reade several times with regard to internal CA GOP drills over the last four years. You could say that Revell is another one of Reade’s patsies.

For what it is worth – Ken Campbell (who also hates Bekhet’s opponent Kirk Uhler) is also connected to David Stafford Reade, both served on the board of the Capitol Resource Institute together years ago. It is a cozy little world in politics!

It is easy, then for me to conclude that Revell and Reade are working together on another media drill.

It is also obvious that both these men are deeply concerned over what is written about them on this blog. I got a simple piece of advice for them, get some integrity and you won’t get your asses beaten anymore. Instead, however, it appears that Reade’s lifelong pattern of bullying political opponents has gotten worse, not better.

Also, I would like to thank the local TV news station for helping promote this blog that no one claims to read. (Yet, somehow everyone seems to know what is on it.)

Meantime – I see the events of today as validation that I am on to something with the cabal behind Bekhet. David Stafford Reade, Dennis Revell, Ken Campbell and a handful of others want to get rid of Placer County’s most Conservative Supervisor Kirk Uhler and they are attempting to run a media drill to do so.

To be continued.

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