Jan 312016

There is a price to being right. The CRA attempted unsuccessfully to cover up the rampant membership fraud in their organization.

As of this date, several CRA units have collapsed, do not meet and about half the existing CRA units are fraudulent.

In Thomas N Hudson’s CRA – meetings and membership are optional. What matters is having everything looking good on paper.

The CRA’s board needs to be right at all costs. When CRA VP Dale Tyler was commissioned to investigate the fraud within the CRA, it was supposed to be a fair and impartial investigation. He had copies of the rosters and signed affidavits of fraud. Tyler chose instead to whitewash the whole thing and one of his fellow committee members, Greg Powers resigned from the CRA and its’ board due to the dishonesty of Dale Tyler.

Dale Tyler’s home unit, the Saddleback RA has a $12,000 problem.

Last year, the unit held a series of fundraisers where people donated their own personal goods and sold them – ostensibly to raise money for the club.

Instead, at the direction of former Saddleback RA Secretary and her friends that included noted activist Larry Gilbert – the money, all $12,000 of it was sent to the “Community Common Sense” newspaper / website. The CCS as they call it is a marginal publication that apparently has a small fringe following in Southern Orange County.

The current president found out that the $12k was missing only once elected and getting the bank records. Whoops.

Connie Lee went berzerk over being questioned an apparently she and Larry Gilbert began smearing the current leadership of the Saddleback RA. Gilbert has since disappeared from the CRA scene again and Lee has since resigned as Sec/Trez of the unit.

Enter Dale Tyler. Guess what he did? Attempted to cover up the disappearance and the unethical manner of the allocation of said funds. Even he had to admit that the end game of Lee was never clearly disseminated to those donating their own personal goods to raise funds.

But – it did not matter. Dale Tyler’s pattern is to avoid conflict at all costs and make it go away – similar to the OC GOP. At least the narcissists and nerds on the State CRA board had the internal fortitude to cover up their lie by throwing more people out of the organization.

It is my understanding that the Saddleback RA is growing once again with Connie Lee and Larry Gilbert gone – however, they still practice exclusionary membership practices and are small and insular.

The unethical behavior and the cover up by a man who served at least two terms as a CRA Vice President? That is the price of admission to be in the CRA itself.

… and people wonder why the OCGOP has slipped from 68% down to 56% of the vote?

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  3 Responses to “Orange County CRA Update: Another Cover-Up as Units Continue to Melt Down”

  1. If there was a missing $12,000 or $14,000 (per Councilman Greg Raths at Nov 10,2015 MV City Council mtg), what is the status of the investigation of which I have personally asked via email to SRA President on 1/27/16? A lot of “mudslinging has gone on; but, no facts or follow up. To me, that is a lot of money to not be very concerned about & a formal investigation not called for? Am I missing something?

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