Sep 262015

Lauren Stephens knew two things. 1. That the SB277 Referendum was going to fail and 2. That people were preparing an initiative.

12000107_10154267291794966_53504662_nAs written on this blog previously, Laruen Stephens attempted to leave Tim Donnelly holding the bag. After being exposed for her attempt to leave the referendum campaign, in an apparent attempt to save face, she continued on despite a team meeting where her departure had been announced. Her attempt to depart the referendum was on or about August 17th.

Your intrepid blogger has discovered that Lauren Stephens whose business is “KingdomX” (Perhaps her megalomania speaking there) is clearly the owner of the domain. The Domain was purchased on August 26th, 2015 – a clear sign of premeditation on her part. I can write with certainty that when Stephens was announcing her departure on the conference call on 8/24, she was already preparing her next move… while lying to the hard-working volunteers on the effort.

As blogged earlier today, on Wednesday 9/23, Lauren Stephens filed her initiative. I have been told by a confidential source that Lauren Stephens was clear with people that she did this to f— the group of financiers that were working on an initiative. Should Donnelly for some insane reason follow Lauren in to the effort, there will be limited funding at best as Donnelly’s toxicity limits the appeal of anything that falls under the shadow of his narcissism. (The SB277 referendum was known as the Tim Donnelly referendum and from where I sat watching, the kids and forced vaccinations were ancillary) Lauren Stephens appears to be preparing another scam at the expense of California’s parents, attempting to deny them a chance to reclaim lost rights from the central planners in Sacramento.

Lauren Stephens by her own admission filed the SB277 Referendum borne out of her visceral hatred for Republican electeds… and is doubling down in an apparent effort to assuage the voices in her head over some sort of evil conspiracy by a group of concerned wealthy parents that think vaccines are full of deadly chemicals.

12011389_482340431943879_6736404731245336954_nSometimes when I write these posts, I have to stop and admire the absurdity. It helps me when I want to put my hand through the computer.

I think of the parents who live in fear of big pharma and all the horrible un-pronounceable compounds being forced in to the veins of their children as a condition of enrollment in government schools where they are brainwashed.

Then reality sets in. Our schools and education system are indeed perverted – but so is this effort by Tim Donnelly and Lauren Stephens.

I have openly questioned the legality of raising money on gofundme for an initiative – my reading of FPPC rules says it is illegal because you can not track the donors etc etc etc for the report. They have claimed a $150k donation and claimed to be paying volunteers awards for production – the $150k was never reported within 24 hours suggesting this was a lie to motivate people or Tim Donnelly / Lauren Stephens owe the FPPC a $5k fine (or more).

Then there is this – look at this screenshot from the SB277 group. They have advocated using non-citizens for their drive in past threads (oh the irony with the former minuteman and border hawk Tim Donnelly who failed to qualify a referendum against the DREAM Act) but are now advocating falsifying circulation data. This is indeed a felony. BTW – it is also a clear indicator that Tim Donnelly and Lauren Stephens are incompetent and have poorly trained volunteers despite the paranoia and control Lauren exerted over the petitions.

Speaking of Felonies – what will happen with the $171k raised off of the go fund me account? How much of this will go in to Tim Donnelly’s Pocket? Or go to pay for his radio show under the guise of advertising? Were the paid signature gatherers being required to kick back a portion of the $1 or $2 per signature to Donnelly?

It may well be that the crazed Stephens is filing the initiative for her own personal profit, in addition to the revenge that the voices in her head are telling her to take.

Fortunately, Lauren Stephens is not a Republican, so when the media finally does their job and reports this scam… at least the GOP won’t suffer further embarrassment than Tim Donnelly has already brought us.

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  One Response to “SB277 Referendum SCAM Update – Domain Registered for Initiative to Cover the Failure ONE MONTH AGO”

  1. Interestingly the cheering squad (Tanner’s Dad, real name Tim Welsh, who does not live in California) is claiming that “they have enough signatures”. Lori Gregory (who also does not live in California, to the best of my knowledge) is repeating the claim at her blog “The Mom Street Journal”.

    BREAKING: On the eve of the final push, The MSJ has learned from multiple sources that the citizens of California have stopped the controversial ‘vaccine bill’ SB277 in its tracks.

    The latest report, B1Less News via @TannersDad, is that “We have collected the required signatures to qualify for The People’s Veto to be placed on the Ballot in November 2016. ‪#‎SB277‬freedom Last few hours are insurance to make sure all signatures get verified.”

    Blogger’s Note – If they have enough legit signatures, I will be shocked… this is being set up so they can blame their critics and the SOS office to obfuscate their scam.

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