As the Musical Chairs of Gaines Office Positioning Swirl, How Does This Elect More Republicans?

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Sep 212015

Beth Gaines is running for El Dorado County Supervisor. Here is the link showing $102k in her account.

Beth Gaines was running for Board of Equalization in 2018. This account was closed after a fundraiser or two and moved to her Assembly Account. (That account is linked here)

Beth Gaines is running for State Senate in 2020.

Beth Gaines is also running for CAGOP National Committeewoman.

Ted Gaines is running for Board of Equalization in 2018. Why does Ted Gaines, who will not leave office until 2020 have this account open?


Take a look at Ted Gaines’ BOE account. It says 2018. His term does not end until 2020. Will Ted Gaines finish his term in the State Senate? This blog believes the answer is no. Gaines gets a free pass in 2018 to Run for Board of Equalization and is attempting to raise money now to buy the annoying slate mail cards in early 2017. Those cards are the single biggest item to have in a Board of Equalization district that spans an incredible 20+ counties.

What does this mean? If Ted is elected to Board of Equalization in 2018, then it opens up SD01 for Beth Gaines to be able to capitalize on Ted’s Name ID in a similar manner to the 2011 AD04 set up that got her in to the legislature in the first place. This means that Beth will run for State Senate in 2019 with a name ID advantage in a special election, the best possible scenario for her.

The correct questions to ask are, will Beth Gaines finish her term as El Dorado County Supervisor? Will Ted Gaines (if re-elected in 2016) finish his term in the State Senate?

What is missing from all of these accounts listed above are contributions to voter registration or local Republican Candidates. Granted, there are contributions to other Republican Candidates running in other parts of the state, but scant reference to anything related to building the GOP.

People are searching for answers as to how a candidate like Donald Trump could rocket to the top of the GOP Presidential Polls and stay there despite his bombastic behavior. People have grown resentful of incumbent politicians. Look at the above.

The Gaines have now moved multiple times in order to facilitate runs for office. What does that do for the Republican brand? What kind of message does that send to the voters of the area?

Certainly, anyone who thinks through their actions can not feel like they matter a whole lot to the Gaines.

This is why their lack of participation in building the Republican Party matters. It looks like most of their effort is spent on moving and setting up their next run(s) for office. These sorts of machinations are an argument against term limits as well as politicians have become famous for their machinations to stay in any office.

How does this elect more Republicans? Keep asking this question every time you see moves like this.

California GOP Convention Recap Part – Two, Uneasy Unity With Real Results

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Sep 212015

(Written by Aaron F Park in first person as a personal opinion piece)

I’d rather win elections while admitting fault than be a perfect loser.

If you have a few extra minutes, visit my friend Arthur Schaper’s excellent Townhall piece on the convention.

Everyone has a different way of doing the above, but with the exceptions of a few people that refuse to play ball, the other 98% of the CRP delegates appeared focused in a unanimity of purpose.

This is the legacy of Jim Brulte and Harmeet Dhillon. Maybe the CAGOP finally hit bottom and they were able to get people to focus on what was necessary?

I can’t make that assertion with certainty, but what I heard all weekend were some of the most honest self-evaluations I have ever heard at CRP Conventions, ever.

My convention started with a chance meeting with some Tea Party leaders in Placer County. It was like we had been friends for years! I was blown away but thrilled to be able to interact with this group on such a level. I knew this weekend was going to be a good weekend with that start.

With the exceptions of CRA types, the interactions I had this weekend with everyone I saw were very cordial. People like Mitch Zak, David Stafford Reade and Mark Spannagel were very polite and friendly. I had conversations with all three. Reade looked comfortable and relaxed, Zak was as outgoing and polite as I ever remember him being.

On a personal note, I found out that Mark Spannagel’s wife Emily was able to get “everything she needed” and has been able to recover from her major illness. That was really cool to find out.

I had several interactions with Kathy Arts and Kim Pruett from Tom McClintock’s Office (Arts is now retired). They were really positive as well.

None of the interactions were fake or forced, either… quite a departure from Pre-Brulte Era Conventions.

Statesman State Senator Gentlemen Jim Nielsen was at the convention. He was on his game charming everyone he came in contact with. George indicated that he thought Senator Nielsen was “a really nice man”, while there is a lot of water under the bridge, Nielsen has shattered any paradigm we ever had of him both by his personal conduct and rock solid conservative record in the Senate.

When you can have positive and polite interactions with people once (or still?) considered mortal enemies – it should tell you everything you need to know about the hope for the future.

As with any convention, I met several people for the first time, and re-acquainted with others.

A couple of notes. This was the “Platform Convention”. While many were worried and concerned, with emails and letters flying around about nefarious plots, nothing happened. Only a wholesale re-write of the immigration plank to language that is much better in my opinion and just as strong as it was before. Some may disagree with me and certainly some did on the floor as the debate lasted for 30 minutes or so.

The CAGOP Platform is still Conservative. It was not “gutted”.

There was also an attempt to scuttle the amendment reducing the number of conventions from the floor after the same attempt was defeated in the Rules Committee. The only possible motive for picking a floor fight on that amendment could have been the personal egos of Adam Abrahms and Tom Hudson who attempted procedural tricks to attempt to fool the body in the course of losing the argument badly. I saw no attempt by the “liberals” to “screw” conservatives here.

The GOP is a party of individuals, focused on individual liberty. These sorts of public arguments happen (that should not) when you add ego.

Everyone there had a “different convention” for sure. What I am sure of is that the bleeding of the CAGOP has been stopped.

The Circular GOP Firing Squad – Sutter County Edition

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Sep 172015

This weekend, I will be at the CAGOP convention. I am sure I will get the usual dirty looks from past victims of past campaigns and the self-righteously arrogant. It comes with the territory when you call people on their crap.

Crap. Like the Sutter GOP drama.

It is so unnecessary. I have heard good stuff about Sarb Takhar their chair. I saw a recent post where he was celebrating his beautiful daughter passing the bar. I’ve never met him, but I know he has a five-star mess on his committee.

I met Larry and Carla Virga a number of years ago when I was trying to rebuild the CRA in the North State.

I can relate a lot to the Sutter GOP situation as it mirrors the meltdown of the CRA. Two groups clashed, all were convinced they were right and then things escalated from there.

Unlike the CRA situation, which will last for years, I hope the Sutter GOP situation will end with the civil judgement entered against Elaine Miles. The people that threw George and I out of the CRA have proven themselves to be maladjusted nerds, narcissists with even a sociopath or two mixed in to their group. I don’t see any hope of the CRA or their leadership of ever understanding just what they did, let alone acknowledging it – both of which would be critical to any hope the CRA has toward being relevant again.

The Elaine Miles saga started when Carla confided to her in early 2014 that Larry was thinking of running for Sutter Cent Com Chairman. The Virgas then got to experience what everyone in politics experiences from time to time – when you cross a tripwire of someone else’s agenda.

Elaine Miles basically went berzerk and turned several people against the Virgas. I personally have been treated to the allegations of racism that have been levelled against the Virgas for example. I have in conversations attempted to smoke out any racist leanings either may have, there are none. The Virgas are strident Conservatives that desire border security, this does not make them racist.

I was also informed that Larry has issues in his background. I am an alcoholic. I admit it freely and publicly. I haven’t drank in nearly 13 years, not even one beer. As a result, when people tell me about an issue in a background investigation that was several years old in an attempt to gain leverage in an argument, It is a red flag. (the issue? A loitering ticket that some said was something far worse than loitering)

It kind of makes it hard for any self-righteous purist to use my 19 year old DUI as some sort of hammer.

I listened to Elaine. I listened to Carla. I listened to others. I was approached by others in an unsolicited manner.

Larry and Carla Virga were mistreated. Period. I know what Cent Com fights are like, they get uber personal and quick. When people tell me about rude behavior – I could care less because I know there is plenty to go around.

When I hear about felony vandalism, It gets my attention. Elaine Miles even recruited a witness for the court case to accuse the Virgas of some sort of plot to inflate the damage!

I can relate to the tactics used against the Virgas. This is the same behavior that the CRA engaged in when they were trying to justify and cover themselves for what they did to George and I.

I know Jerrie Libby, I have known her since the days when I made blood enemies out of David Stafford Reade, Jim Nielsen and Doug LaMalfa. I had always known her to be a straight-shooter and a strident conservative. That has been shattered. Jerrie Libby attempted to pass photos in court taken a couple weeks after Miles vandalized the Virga’s car as having been taken that night.

In a bizarre twist – another witness for Mrs. Miles said that the nail polish was the same color Carla Virga wears. Now – how could Jerrie Libby have photos of water on the trunk lid (as in there was water on the trunk lid, not nail polish) allegedly from the night of the incident and then another witness say the nail polish was poured on the trunk by Carla herself? (which is the assertion made with the claim it is Carla’s color)

As an important side note exposing the further absurdity of the attempted defense – Carla has a deformed fingernail from a childhood accident and does not wear colored nail polish, compounding the lies told.

Elaine Miles hung herself in court with her arrogance and others she recruited made it clear Miles was guilty. Her defense was to assassinate the character of the Virgas.

Having dealt with this many times, it was easy to identify. Having dealt with many people who are immune to the truth and others that would rather get executed by ISIS than admit fault, I 100% understand the Virgas’ predicament.

Carla Virga was expelled from the Sutter GOP in April with no notice and no hearing.

Larry Virga has not been expelled from the Sutter GOP yet because the Cent Com has failed to meet quorum the last couple of months. What a sad irony.

This brings me back to the original issue.

Many years ago the LaMalfa/Nielsen/Reade faction won an all-out war with the Logue/Keene/Wagner faction of the GOP. To the victor go the spoils – this includes the gutting of the CRA in the north state and reprisals against some Central Committees. The Sutter GOP Cent Com was one such committee that got hammered.

These things happen – it happened in Placer when people seeking to avenge the primary challenge to Beth Gaines got $45k spent on slate mail cards in the Placer Race. The Placer GOP Cent Com has been largely ineffective since – the worst example being left-wing union-made Placer County Supervisor Jack Duran getting re-elected in a 42% Republican Sup district without an opponent while the GOP in Placer loses market share.

No one is innocent here. Even in my fight against the now current leadership of CRA, I have never claimed innocence as I have the fog of war upon me. The sad state of the CAGOP can indeed be summed up by reading stories about the BS happening everywhere.

One thing that gives me hope about the Sutter GOP situation is that there are normal, well-adjusted people around the situation that actually consider facts. There are some leaders that want to win elections instead of fights to the death to be right.

New AD-03 Assembly-Member James Gallagher appears to want to try to put things back together. SD-04 Senator Jim Nielsen has mellowed out with age becoming more of a statesman (yes, I wrote that). While David Reade will hold grudges until his grave, here is hope that the Brian Dahle / James Gallagher types that are beginning to assume the reins of leadership will begin to find new blood for the GOP in the area. More importantly, they understand what the GOP should be focusing on.

Perhaps Mr. Gallagher and others will tell Mrs. Miles to just pay the $2,152.83 judgement and the court fees and call it a day.

Perhaps Sarb can step up and lead a fractured Committee out of its’ morass.

Lord knows at 28% – we could use some focus. I’d rather win elections while admitting fault, rather than being a perfect loser. I had to get my butt kicked a few times, I had to get lied about and betrayed a few times to understand that.

Maybe the Sutter GOP, the Sutter Taxpayers Association and others upon seeing the Virga’s car once again white without the months’ old nail polish on it will realize it as a sign to everyone that it is time to move on and try to elect and register some more Republicans.

Congressman McClintock Bails Out of “Freedom Caucus”

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Sep 162015

It appears that in Washington D.C. Tom McClintock is much more pragmatic than he is in the district.

In the district, he has been acerbic to local electeds, listens to bad political advice and is known for being extremely hard on people close to him.

As a former rabid supporter of McClintock, I have personally witnessed this phenomena.

While I 100% agree with what McClintock did in this regard, given what I know about McClintock – I believe we need to look closely at the motive for what he did.

First, the Hill Reported that McClintock bailed out on the freedom Caucus.

McClintock noted that members of the Freedom Caucus perhaps ironically found themselves on the same side of a vote as Democrats during the debate earlier this year over blocking President Obama’s immigration executive actions through a Department of Homeland Security funding bill.

Did McClintock just throw conservatives under the bus, or did the one-time fire-breathing conservative just say that the failure to be pragmatic screwed the GOP out of beating Obama?

A three-week stopgap measure pushed by House GOP leaders melted down on the House floor when 52 Republicans and nearly all Democrats voted against it.

“At the behest of its board, most HFC members combined with House Democrats to defeat this effort, resulting in the full funding of these illegal orders for the fiscal year,” McClintock wrote.

He predicted that the Freedom Caucus’s decision to oppose any government spending bill this month that includes Planned Parenthood funding in the wake of controversial videos regarding the use of fetal tissue donations would be similarly counterproductive.

Translation: Tom McClintock quit the freedom caucus because of its all-or-nothing approach to governance.

I want this rational thinker to show up in the district, please.

Before I get too excited over this new, improved and more effective Conservative leader… I am reminded that a wise old man that I respect a lot told me that McClintock would “go native”.

McClintock voted for John Boehner for speaker of the house.

Now, we are starting to develop a pattern.

I remember McClintock’s speeches trashing Meg Whitman and the slate of moderates for Statewide office. I remember McClintock’s speeches about painting values in bold colors versus pale pastels.

They are speeches. His actions are to prioritize strategy and pragmatism.

I have strongly opposed the public funding of abortions throughout my 29 years in public office, but this tactic promises only to shield Senate Democrats from their responsibility for a government shutdown and to alienate the public from the pro-life cause at precisely the time when undercover videos of Planned Parenthood’s barbaric practices are turning public opinion in our favor,” McClintock said.

Perhaps Art Moore provided a vital public service. If this new McClintock is going to understand how to “get things done” versus launching ideological missiles from the right, perhaps he is signaling that he has learned his lessons from the past?

Is McClintock signalling that he may actually try to help address the needs of local government, eschewing the lectures that accompany flat rejections for help?

It is not always a bad thing when your representative goes native.

AD06 Update – Team Gaines Switching Candidates?

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Sep 162015

Former Auburn Council-Member Kevin Hanley moved to Rocklin. (Just like Team Gaines pick #1 Dave Titus)

I had received limited intel dating back 6 weeks that Hanley was playing with it. (Running for AD06)

Clay Sigg (Team Gaines Pick #2) has not been catching on anywhere with anyone. The flow of information on Sigg had gone cold.

Bill Halldin – the leading candidate in the race recently announced his 40th significant endorsement. (Popular Roseville Mayor Carol Garcia)

It appears then that the capetbag has been swung from longtime Roseville Resident Beth Gaines (who moved to Rocklin, back to Roseville and now rents in El Dorado County to set up her next government paycheck) – over to Kevin Hanley.

Is it too much to ask for someone with real, actual roots in South Placer County to become one of our local partisan electeds? (At least Ted Gaines’ family goes back 5+ generations in this area, until he squandered that legacy with his failure to lead and his ill-fated and insane campaign against lynched former Congressman John Doolittle)

Similarly, I am curious why Steve Davey seems to favor candidates that look like Ted Gaines in public. Kevin Hanley is indeed a “nice guy”, but is uninspiring in person. Similar to the routine purges of staff in their operation, I am left with the conclusion that Davey does not want anyone that will outshine Gaines. This is nearly impossible to do when juxtaposed with Beth.

I don’t dislike Hanley, but he does not inspire me. When you talk to Bill Halldin, who is also “mild mannered” you can see quickly that he is passionate, knowledgeable and has “it” for a leg candidate. Kevin Kiley is too young (age 30), Cristi Nelson has proven she is not viable (and has as thin a resume as Beth Gaines had before her run) and any other rumored candidates have demonstrated zero ability to raise money.

There is a chance that Clay Sigg is still the Team Gaines Candidate. My money is on him attempting to quietly drop out of the race in favor of Hanley as it appears Davey is no longer pushing him.

This would mean that the Emerson Drive express will have claimed its’ second AD06 candidate. (I have lost count of all the people the Gaines have used and discarded over the years as the stories find me unsolicited almost weekly)

While my interactions with Hanley have been limited, yet positive, I do sincerely question his judgement if indeed he becomes the Team Gaines candidate.