Beth Gaines Ended 2014 with $205,214.72 in her Assembly Account. It currently shows $93,438.63 after a “transfer” of $80,000 in to the County Supervisor Account.
ON March 3rd, Beth Gaines held a fundraiser in to a Board of Equalization account that was billed as a fundraiser for Republicans in Target Districts. No, it was not. More on that in a bit.
Beth Gaines’ Board of Equalization Account Reported nothing left as of 6/30/2015 as the money raised went to Dave Titus, Campaign Consultants and – you guessed it – $20k to her Assembly Account which then passed $80k to the Supervisor Account.
Gaines’ BOE Account has some well-known donors: Lincoln Councilmember Paul Joiner, Rocklin Councilmember Scott Yuill, Rocklin Councilmember Diana Ruslin, all of whom have endorsed Bill Halldin for Assembly. The significance is that Beth Gaines is currently on her third candidate to run against him for Assembly.
I am sure Bill Halldin, who also shows up on her report(s) for $1,025 total would not have donated if he knew the money was going to her next post-move bid for office. The previously mentioned donors have all endorsed Bill Halldin’s Assembly Campaign, but would they have donated to the Gaines if they knew she was planning to move and run for her next office elsewhere?
There are also a slew of donors that do not play in local races – such as insurance carriers and insurance PAC’s. Would they have donated if they knew her plan?
In case you are not tracking me… Take a look at this link to the Beth Gaines for Supervisor Account. The above are now donors to that, whether they like it or not.
Now, it becomes a mess beyond the ethics of it. When you transfer campaign money, you have to attribute the source – the Brother of El Dorado Supervisor Brian Veerkamp is now a donor, along with embattled El Do Auditor-Controller Joe Harn. These are de-facto endorsements that these men will have explain, because they donated to a Republican Leadership Event hosted by Beth Gaines.
Bill Halldin – whose $1,025 is now in Beth Gaines’ Supervisor Account will be repaid for his donations by Team Gaines and their crew attempting to sabotage his Assembly Campaign. The other local electeds would have had no way of knowing what they were doing when they donated. Here is hoping they can help Bill Halldin raise a lot of money.
Which gets us to the main issue here. We wrote about the attacks that were fomented against Placer D4 Supervisor Kirk Uhler. We identified the source of the attacks as Beth Gaines’ staffers. The attacks took place in January, the attack was retracted in February and we day-lighted Dave Titus and Jeff Short as the source in March. Once it became clear that Kirk Uhler was too hard of a target even for the tens of thousands Beth had in her accounts…
Ms. Gaines set her sights on El Dorado County – within Days, the El Dorado Grand Jury lit up the incumbent almost on cue. One of Gaines’ long-time political allies is a leader on that Grand Jury. Look at the timing of the Grand Jury Report and the Timing of all the money transfers setting up the run for El Dorado County Supervisor … they are within two days of each other.
Beth Gaines had to know what she was doing when this fundraiser was held. It is well-known in insider circles that Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan, who recently announced she is not running for re-election, appears to have waited on purpose for Beth Gaines to announce her bid for El Dorado County Supervisor before she announced the coming retirement. MacGlashan, after seeing the attack on Kirk Uhler in January, knew that Beth Gaines was seat-shopping. Rumor has it that Beth Gaines may indeed move to Sacramento County for the $130k+ a year salary.
As written previously, Ted Gaines just opened up a Board of Equalization Account for 2018. He gets a free run for it mid-term in his senate term. If he wins, this would set up Beth Gaines to run in a special election in 2019, giving her the same advantage she had in 2011 when her name ID carried her to a 726 vote win. Beth Gaines already has a 2020 State Senate Account opened (Congratulations Paul Joiner, you donated $200 to it somehow)… if you live in El Dorado County, it should demonstrate to you how much you matter to them.
If anyone donates to the Gaines’ again, how do they know their donation will be used for what is alleged in the invitation?
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