Mar 262015

The EPA believes it can regulate ALL water. Obama’s America – ruling by decree.

Like BBQ? Well, the EPA wants to ban barbecuing. There is a price when you vote for free stuff, it comes with tyranny. Obama’s EPA is completely out of control.

So, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner came up with a critical fix to several problems with Obamacare. What does Harry Reid do? He is leading an attempt to kill the deal via filibuster over a provision continuing the practice of de-funding abortions at the federal level (that the dem-controlled Senate in the past has signed off on).

Say it ain’t so! The DHS gave preferential treatment to relatives of Clinton, Dem Staffers and Donors? I am SHOCKED, I tell you, SHOCKED.

5 years later – Obama is declaring Obamacare a success! We want some of what he is smoking. Let’s see, delaying implementation, stretching out deadlines, making it the law and fining people – then claiming success? Only in government.

FEMA to States – Either submit to global warming BS or lose your funding. Obama’s America.

Democrats Filibustering Sex Trafficking Bill – why? Anti-Abortion provisions. That’s right, Abortion is more important than stopping human trafficking.

Obama admin’s attempt to continue the military social experiment is hitting snags. Transgender policy is meeting a lot of resistance.

In Case you missed it – a Christian Chaplain is being run out of the service for espousing biblical values. He was set up by a staffer who combed through his files and emails, then went and filed a complaint against him. The staffer turns out to be gay and the military could care less about how the staffer got the info he used for the complaint or the motivations behind it. Instead, in a fit of bureaucratic arrogance, they are pursuing this Lt. Colonel until they get their pound of flesh.

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