#siseperder The Rene Aguilera Experience: Far-Left Racism With No Connection to Roseville

 Rene Aguilera  Comments Off on #siseperder The Rene Aguilera Experience: Far-Left Racism With No Connection to Roseville
Oct 272014

We start with Rene Aguilera’s form 700. It lists no job and no income.

Yet somehow Rene Aguilera manages to go on a ton of junkets for far left groups like MALDEF. How does Aguilera pay for all these trips? Why aren’t they on his form 700 if he is freeloading?

The FPPC already has a file on Rene Aguilera, fining him for concealing free meals. So, his behavior is not unprecedented.

Rene Aguilera’s “Corporation” H.E.A.R. has been suspended since 2004. Yet, he is quoted with that organization and he himself has used that name several times since. This would be a violation of the law – when a corporation is suspended, you are forbidden by law from using the name.

Aguilera even got revenue sharing funds while H.E.A.R. was suspended. This would be a felony if indeed HEAR was suspended when the donation came in. (aka Fraud)

Rene Aguilera claims in his candidate statement to have volunteered for every major charity and church in Roseville. This is a bald-faced lie (in the form of an exaggeration). Since, we have repeatedly proven that Aguilera plays fast and loose with the truth – it is fair to call him out on his candidate statement.

Even if, somehow Aguilera’s exaggerated claims in his candidate statement are true – where are his donors from Roseville? Such a great “man of the people” should have a ton of support from Roseville.

Perhaps that is because Rene Aguilera’s behavior shows a pattern of a serial liar, it also shows a pattern of a racist.

There are several places on the internet linking Rene Aguilera to groups like MEChA, which advocates for the “reconquista”, to reunite Aztlan (aka 17 SW US States) with Mexico.

For those of you that have not been brain-damaged with revisionist history written by Aguilera’s fellow extremists, Mexico attacked Texas. Texas, then its’ own country asked the USA to intervene. We did. Mexico lost. And now, 150 years later – we are racist scum in the mind of Rene Aguilera and his pals in MALDEF and MEChA.

Rene Aguilera came out of the closet as a complete racist at a candidate forum. He attacked Roseville on two fronts:

1. He said that Roseville is too expensive for average people to live in. This is a lie perpetrated by the far left to advocate for Central Planning. The concept of Central Planning is to force people out of the suburbs and in to urban high-rises where everyone has the same crappy standard of living.

The racist part of that statement is that most all the areas that the far left attack are mostly white. Roseville is indeed 80% white.

A link to city data shows that Roseville residents are only slightly over the state average in several income categories. Yet the data suggests American Indian and Asian families are the best off in Roseville, not Whites. Perhaps Aguilera hates Asians and American Indians, too? Worse for Aguilera’s race-baiting argument is the fact that income growth in Roseville lagged behind the rest of the state from 2000-2009.

If you look close at Roseville’s Cost of Living – you will see that most of the reason it is rated at 140 with 100 being the national average is housing costs, yet …

… Rene Aguilera says that we need Mello-Roos taxes and to “pay as you go” for development to ensure that even less people can afford a house in Roseville! If you look at the rest of the lines, Roseville is in tune with the cost of living (even somewhat less) than the rest of the state.

2. Rene Aguilera says that we need more diversity in Roseville.This absurd claim was utterly destroyed in a previous post. Start by looking at the City Council – not a single white male on it. (Tim Herman is Jewish)

If Rene Aguilera was actually connected to Roseville for real – he’d probably not have run for City Council, but at the least, he’d probably kick the dope dealer out of his house and stop launching race-baiting / far left attacks at the city.

Part two of the summary on Rene Aguilera is coming up…


Right On Daily Ballot Recommendations for Placer County Elections

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Oct 252014

DISCLAIMER – I am the Northern Region Vice President of the California Republican Assembly. I am forbidden from endorsing non-Republicans with my title. (* denotes Candidates who also received an official CRA endorsement.)

Placer County Measure B – YES

Roseville City Council: Susan Rohan*, Tim Herman (Vote for Two)

Lincoln City Council: Stan Nader*, Dan Cross (Vote for Two)

Roseville Joint Union High School District: Linda M Park*, Scott Huber* (Vote for Three)

Roseville City School District: Susan Duane*, Hallie Romero (Vote for Three)

Rocklin Unified School District: Susan Halldin*, Wendy Lang*, Todd Lowell* (Vote for Three)

Loomis Union School District D3: Shad Deerfield*, D4: Mike Edwards*

Loomis Town Council: Brian Baker*, Robert Black*, Miguel Ucovich* (Vote for Three)

Auburn City Council: Bridget Powers*, Matt Spokely* (Vote for Three)

Rene Aguilera Update: Why have the Police Been to Rene Aguilera’s House 44 times since 1/1/2013?

 Rene Aguilera  Comments Off on Rene Aguilera Update: Why have the Police Been to Rene Aguilera’s House 44 times since 1/1/2013?
Oct 252014

You read that correct. 44 Calls for service since 1/1/2013.

There is an annoying thing called public records. The calls have come in batches – Here is Batch One and here is Batch Two.

Here are some statistics from the police logs:

11 references to Drug Deals / Drug Activity

4 references to Arrests Made

7 references to disturbances between 11:45PM – 4:20AM (juxtapose this with Rene Aguilera setting off the alarm at Roseville High at 4:30am)

There are references to probation searches, 3 times for warrant service, theft, trespassing and the like.

First of all – how is this guy on the school board? Should anyone take Rene Aguilera seriously or anyone he recruits?

Second of all – does anyone think Rene Aguilera can be taken seriously as a Councilmember negotiating contracts with the police department?

Third – DRUG DEALS, why hasn’t Rene Aguilera done anything about this?

Fourth – the police calls reference homeless people pitching tents in the backyard. This is something that I have been told about by informants repeatedly. Here is the corroboration.

What we have is a man who is completely irresponsible and is a complete nuisance to the community of Roseville seeking a seat on the Roseville City Council. Why this is not national news is beyond me.

So – ballots are in the mail? What are you going to do? Reject Rene. Reject his recruits for School Board – save Roseville.

Oct 242014

It looks like the Placer GOP Central Committee is devolving in to a complete mess.

Dan Catania – one of the Lincoln Tea Party Members who was recruited to run over un-vetted and never proven allegations of corruption, has come out of the closet against the GOP. This is the same GOP he was elected to represent. (Ironically, he was part of the slate of candidates that was funded with $45,000 of Charles Munger’s money in 2012)

There you have it folks. One Cent Com Member posting signs for a Democrat and another publicly telling people to leave their ballot blank instead of voting for Neel Kashkari.

Remember, the Central Committee Race was funded by Munger after a request from then Assembly Permanent Minority leader Connie Conway and Assemblywoman Beth Gaines – to teach the leadership at the time a lesson for supporting Andy Pugno over Beth Gaines.

It looks like they have a first class mess.

Don’t expect any leadership from the Central Committee to discipline these members for what they have done.

Rodney Stanhope for CRP Vice Chair 2.0

 Rodney Stanhope  Comments Off on Rodney Stanhope for CRP Vice Chair 2.0
Oct 242014

So – Rodney’s Facebook Siccophants organized a complaint campaign to get the page suspended and my alternate facebook account suspended.

However, they, like so many others have tried – but can not silence the Right on Daily Blog. I was only passively interested in the Vice Chair Race… now it is time to beat the stuffing out of Mr. Stanhope again. #crankupthegop

I wonder how many Tea Parties will support him this time. It is also obvious that this was a play for the LGBT vote. I doubt they will be buying in anytime soon.