Oct 302013

On or about 10/27/2010 – according to Karen England, she was visited by the FBI.

Apparently, the FBI wanted to know about the Placer Central Committee’s finances.

Karen England is the executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute. They are currently running the AB1266 referendum attempt – at least it is based in their office. We also know from inside sources that England is actively participating in the effort…

… that is when she is not lying about fellow conservatives and going to the local media.

3 years later… no one from the FBI has called or visited.

How many Republican registrations has Karen England’s lie cost?

The following has been posted on social media:

Three years ago this week is the alleged day that Karen Barton England says she was visited by the FBI over alleged corruption in the Placer GOP Central Committee. Her targets were Conservative stalwarts Tom Hudson and George Park – to this day, no visits, inquiries or calls from the FBI. Karen England lied and to this day some people still believe her. (hint: most are in local tea parties) Shortly after making her accusation in public (Jan 2011) – England ran for CRA President and was defeated. I commemorate “FBI Day” every year as a monument to the power of a lie.

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