May 042013

Ted Gaines recruited Dennis Revell to run for Cent Com Chairman.

When Revell came to introduce himself to the CRA in Placer – he was very nervous at first – indicating that Ted Gaines / Beth Gaines and others had told him about us.

We waited to pass judgement on Mr. Revell until we saw him in action.

With Ted Gaines already looking at another office to run for (Congress, CA07) – and his wife Beth, being a rumored candidate for Sacramento County Supervisor, (Believe it, folks, the joke is on all of us) it is incumbent upon the Placer CRA to remind people what sort of legacy the Gaines have in Placer County.

Aaron Park is probably in the top three of people the Gaines’ hate and as such, they have decided to put the entire conservative movement in Placer on their list. This includes recent threats direct and indirect against various club members. Of course, with both of them looking elsewhere for their next government paychecks, what’s a little bloodletting in Placer?

Back to Revell. Revell is a moderate. He is pro-choice, he likely opposes Prop 8, but he certainly makes clear his moderate to liberal Republican core on the home page of the Placer GOP’s website:

While we celebrate the diversity of opinions and experiences, our guiding principal is that government should be competent, sensible and honest.

There you have it, folks… the Placer County Democrat, I mean Republican’s Party’s guiding principle, endorsed, promoted and supported by Ted Gaines.

Right under that stellar affirmation of Government is a request for more volunteers.

Charles Munger spent $45k to help the moderates take over the Cent Com. However, they still did not have enough votes without the involvement of Ted Gaines, Beth Gaines, Doug LaMalfa, Jim Nielsen and Frank Bigelow.

The moderates used fake attacks of financial impropriety for years (that Mr. Gaines participated in), now there seems to be no problem! (Imagine that)

The marriage of convenience was there for Ted Gaines, too bad for his future political aspirations that it is embarrassing him.

Celebrate Diversity. Ted Gaines for Congress.

Click here to see the entire Placer GOP Website beyond the screenshot we saved.

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