Taking a break from the usual political banter around this blog to announce a Summer-Long Food Drive for the Army!
On the Park Family Insurance blog, we announced it.
Here are the details (JUST THE FACTS, MA’AM):
The Salvation Army is the leading National Charity for Feeding the Needy and Homeless
The summer is historically the worst time of year for donations of food
The Food Drive Runs from 6/1 through Labor Day and is co-sponsored by Park Family Insurance, EUSD Trustee Eric Bose and Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler.
The most commonly needed items are:
Canned Tuna or Chicken
Pasta Sauce
Canned Soup
Packages of Ramen
Boxed Macaroni
Boxed Oatmeal
Jars of Peanut Butter
Jars of Jelly or Jam
Canned Beans
Tomato Sauce or Paste
Meals in a can (Beef stew, Ravioli, Chili)
We can also take cash donations made out to “Park Family Insurance” with Salvation Army written in the notes as we are saving money in the Park Family Insurance trust account to fund a food shopping spree in Mid-September at Sam’s Club.
Park Family Insurance will be donating to the food shopping spree based on the number of new business referrals we receive during that period.
It is also acceptable for donors to write checks out to the Salvation Army as well.
There are two locations to drop off Food Items:
Park Family Insurance: 801 Riverside Ave #100 Roseville, CA 95678
The Rensa Group (Kirk Uhler’s office) 1700 Eureka Rd #150a Roseville CA 95661
The Salvation Army Roseville is the beneficiary.
http://www1.usw.salvationarmy.org/usw/www_usw_delorodiv.nsf is the web link to the Del Oro Division of the Salvation Army.
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