Nov 012012

(This was originally posted Aug 8, 2012 and has been moved for relevance)

I have been an officer in the California Republican Assembly for 10 years. I am forbidden from endorsing a Non-Republican for Partisan Office. In the 15 years I have been a Registered Voter and Political Activist, I have only voted for one Democrat – Gina Garbolino, the former Mayor of Roseville. I have never voted for anyone in a 3rd party or a DTS candidate, ever.

Doug LaMalfa is the Republican “Nominee” in the 1st Congressional District, and I am embarrassed for the Republican Party.

Doug LaMalfa’s Chief of Staff is getting sued for libel, his consultant had his office raided in the Bill Postmus corruption scandal and was routinely lambasted in the local media for bald-faced lying in mailers. Doug LaMalfa’s former campaign manager, David Stafford Reade has been the subject of legend in the North State and was most recently up to his neck in trying to decimate the California Republican Party Platform. Doug LaMalfa’s staff and delegates were recruited in to that effort.

With the above – you could say that LaMalfa is surrounded by corruption at best and at worst, Mr. LaMalfa is complicit in it.

Got doubts? It appears that Doug LaMalfa paid his chief of staff to violate federal election law – putting up an anonymous attack website and making it look like another candidate did it. Look at the payment to his chief of staff for “media related services” the day the attack website went live. Doug LaMalfa was lambasted all over north state media for this. He couldn’t even keep his story straight.

Conservative Shirts 2 970×350

Doug LaMalfa claims to be “One of Us”. I don’t resent his wealth one bit – until you mix in the $5million in federal farm subsidies he has taken from us. Then I look at the stuff he and his family have – including a monster home in the Lake Almanor area reputed to be worth $4million. Then, I got angry – I get angrier when I look at his record of writing bills in the legislature to benefit himself and splitting the family farm six ways to circumvent the $180,000 a year per person farm welfare limit.

In similar fashion to his refusal to accept responsibility for the website, the attempts to destroy the GOP platform and the string of hypocricy – LaMalfa vigorously defends the Farm Welfare payments it appears he and his family are dependent on.

Even now, the “Republican” Congress is running a bill to make it more difficult for people like me to track Farm Welfare Payments. Doug LaMalfa’s primary backers support this effort.

It gets worse. LaMalfa claims to be a conservative – yet he and his team have been hell-bent to meet out revenge on anyone not 100% loyal. Since most of LaMalfa’s loyal supporters are liberals and moderates – this means that LaMalfa has been on a jihad against Conservatives in the North State. Doug LaMalfa prefers to endorse liberal Republicans over more conservative counterparts.

It just makes sense that team LaMalfa would try to destroy the Republican Party Platform.

I voted for Doug LaMalfa after he beat Rick Keene in the 2010 Primary for State Senate. I also attempted to make amends – despite the fact that LaMalfa and crew had engaged in what was then an 18 month campaign of slander with Local Tea Parties.

Not long after posting an apology on this blog to Mr. LaMalfa – he was quoted on the front page of the Sacramento Bee (in a media drill apparently run by his consultant Dave Gilliard) accusing my brother of committing felonies. Of course, his liberal allies on the local Central Committee jumped on this.

Doug LaMalfa by his actions and choices has forfeited the right to any Republican support.

When truly judged by his actions Doug LaMalfa represents the type of Republican that cost the GOP the House and the Senate in 2006.

No ethical or moral Republican voter should ever seriously consider voting for Doug LaMalfa under any circumstances. That is why this Conservative Republican Leader is advising any Republican voter in the 1st Congressional District to withhold their vote from Doug LaMalfa.

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  5 Responses to “CA-01 Update – Do Not Under Any Circumstances Vote for Doug LaMalfa”

  1. It is by no means a coincident none of the Reps in District 1 who were running in the Primary have not & will not endorse LaMalfa. This man is about as close to a corrupt politician as you can be. Check his voting record in our state Legislature & you will find bills introduced by him that specifically benefit he & other rice farmers. It disgusts me when folks who get into office (see Herger) become extremely wealthy during their terms. The salary earned does not come close to equalizing their wealth. Really wonder how this occurs?

  2. Jim Reed is an honest and moderate alternative to the corrupt and slimy LaMalfa. I hope you’ll be interviewing him to encourage some sanity in our local reps. Shasta County deserves — and needs — somebody much better than LaMalfa and his crew of tricksters.

  3. I am familiar with the accusations against Doug LaMalfa spelled out above, and aware that even the Republican candidates who lost to him in the June Primary Election have thrown their support to Jim Reed as our congressman..

    Jim Reed is highly qualified to represent our District in the U.S. Congress and thus to be the only elective representative at the national level to speak specifically for the diverse population of our large northern California district. Let’s give him our votes.

  4. Well said . Reed is as bad so I left that spot blank

  5. Not long ago, I published the below Letter to the Editor regarding the 1CD race. Chosing to not vote for one or the other candidate was not considered a viable option.

    Principle or Party – What’s Most Important to You?

    For months, I’ve struggled to decide how I would vote in the upcoming 1st congressional district election. As a long-time conservative and registered republican, it should have been an easy decision.

    The idea of even considering a democrat was a chilling, even frightening, thought.

    In the end, though, it boiled down to a vote either for principle or for party.

    With less than a month to go before Election Day, I’ve come to a decision. It was not easy. But, I’m proud to say, principle wins . . . as it should each and every time.

    As John Quincy Adams so aptly put it long ago, “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

    According to American Heritage, principle is defined as “a rule or standard, especially of good behavior: a man of principle.”

    And, my friends, there’s the rub when it comes to Doug LaMalfa. Frankly, at least in my opinion, he’s racked up an unacceptable litany of what I’ll simply describe as ‘misbehaviors’.

    Sure, democratic congressional candidate, Jim Reed, is far from perfect. But, I know him to be an honest and principled man. And that, alone, makes him deserving of my support.

    For me, principle always trumps party.

    Dare I say, what’s most important to you . . . principle or party?

    Pete Stiglich
    Cottonwood, CA

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