Aug 072012

Remember when the San Francisco Chronicle released an article alleging that the California Republican Party was deep in the hole?

We’ve seen media drills before in Placer County – David Stafford Gilliard ran one against the Placer GOP on behalf of clients that wanted to get even with us.

Now, a consultant Jeff Miller (who recently worked for Rick Perry) has been fingered as the man behind the curtain by several anonymous sources inside the California Republican Party. He ran a media drill against the entire California Republican Party.

Unlike Dave Gilliard who abandoned the California Republican Party once there was no money to be made on Prop 40 – Mr. Miller must see some profit in the operation he is running.

Jeff Miller is Charles Munger’s fundraiser.

Jeff Miller has been telling major donors to stop giving money to the California Republican Party. Rather, said donors have been asked to donate to the Cal Trailblazers.

Conservative Mugs 970×250

The Cal Trailblazers is allegedly a group that recruits “Good Candidates” to run in marginal districts. In practice – they have been a squish machine for safe Republican Districts while supporting a few candidates in marginal districts that we (the GOP) have to keep to maintain 1/3 in the State Legislature.

Enter Charles Munger – $10,000 donated to Cal Trailblazers. Jeff Miller (reportedly) is on retainer with Munger and the ED of Cal Trailblazers is Jessica Patterson, long known by insiders to be on Charles Munger’s Payroll as well.

The Cal-Trailblazers spent most of its’ money paying Jessica Patterson and Aaron McClear – McClear was one of Arnold’s top guys in his administration.

When you take a first look – Cal Trailblazers does not appear to have a whole lot of money. Then pay attention to who they celebrate – Frank Bigelow, a contestant in a safe Republican seat. There is considerable debate as to whether Bigelow is a Liberal or a Moderate – but he did oppose Prop 26 (fees taking 2/3 to raise) and he did publicly support high-speed rail for example.

If you take a second look at the San Francisco Chronicle article – you will see Jeff Miller quoted in there basically advocating for people to donate money somewhere else other than the CA GOP.

If you take a third look at the California Trailblazers Website – look at who is on the homepage of it. The “Republican Leaders” that I lambasted in a previous post…

… and they send a letter asking for proxies to the upcoming California Republican Party convention?

So – with the amount of Republican territory shrinking, the latest Big Money guy, Charles Munger is buying his way in to everything.

The nexus here  resembles the fight over control of the California Republican Assembly, only on a larger scale.

Finally – if you have any doubts about the California Trailblazers take a look at their homepage closely (I added emphasis):

California Trailblazers are the next generation of Republican leaders in our state legislature. Individuals with fiscally conservative principles and ideas that will restore the California spirit, revive our economy, and lead to private sector job creation.

California Trailblazers is the only recruitment, training, and advisement program for California legislative candidates supported by Majority Whip Congressman Kevin McCarthy, Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff, and Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway.

Let those two paragraphs sink in for a bit then we will continue this…

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