Nov 152010

Today is the day that McCauley and his crew are supposed to run the outstanding ballots – this according to several sources.

I don’t think any of the results will change – but Ben Mavy ended up beating Otis Wollan on the final count. (Wollan led on election night and when the final talley was made – Mavy won by 55 votes)

Stay Tuned.

The elections office indicated that the counting is done, but will not be certified until later this week. The numbers will be posted then.

Nov 152010

Eric Hogue – the local Political Talk radio host is out. He had made some waves in 2007 when Ted Gaines had his brief campaign for Congress going.

People kept bringing his name up as his campaign account and website are still live. Hogue confirmed in a text message that he is “out”.

Scott Yuill – within the last hour I also received information that Scott Yuill is not going to run for Assembly. The source is impeccable and reliable.

In addition – it does appear that the campaign of the Reverend Karen England is at least as serious as her Lt. Governor campaign as a few sources have confirmed “activity” from her camp.

Nutting and Briggs have made several phone calls and it remains to be seen if either El Dorado County Supervisor are going to take the plunge.

AD-04 Update: Keith Nesbitt Out, Mike Holmes Out, Jim Holmes in?

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Nov 122010

Ok Folks – who is going to be the Auburn Candidate?

Kevin Hanley has been mum – no one knows what his plans are.

But, two of Hanley’s colleagues on the Auburn City Council have removed themselves from contention.

Mike Holmes had told several people he is out, Keith Nesbitt told my source he is out.

This leaves Michael Babich is the Auburn Candidate – but not so fast…

Placer County Supervisor Jim Holmes, who is facing the real possibility of having to run against Jennifer Montgomery for re-election as supervisor in 2012 after lines are re-drawn is said to be “seriously considering” a run for AD-04.

Holmes also mulled a run against Tom McClintock for Congress previously.

With the potential entry of the Reverend Karen England in to the Race – we are looking at Nine Customers at this point:

1. John Allard
2. Scott Yuill
3. Ron Briggs
4. Ray Nutting
5. Donald Wilson
6. Michael Babich
7. Jim Holmes
8. Suzanne Jones
9. the Reverend Karen England


Nov 122010

John Allard and Scott Yuill should be quaking in their boots now.

Former Lt. Governor Candidate the Reverend Karen England has been promoting the idea of running for Assembly. She has recently been making the rounds at local Tea Party gatherings.

Some in the local movement are skeptical, while others believe all the other candidates are corrupt and those supporting them are liars. (Liars like the staff of Bayside Church and anyone who witnessed the antics of volunteers)

The latter group of Patriots supporting Karen England (some of whom do not claim affiliation with the local Tea Party) will be sure to be on street corners waiving signs.

Karen would bring years of Goodwill in the local community and according to sources is looking seriously at Ken Campbell for her Campaign manager.

The two have been affiliated for years through the Capitol Resource Institute – a group we characterize as a fund-raising organization that routinely hauls in campaign cash from candidates for office. (When you start looking through campaign finance reports, it is hard to draw any other conclusion, especially since the disclosure of said contributions has been forced out in the open and was not willingly disclosed before an anonymous source sent copies off of the State of California’s website.)

Ken Campbell is a former Chairman of the Placer GOP (in case you haven’t been reminded of it by him personally) and has a lot of connections from outside the county.

The Reverend Karen England could certainly out perform the roughly 1300 votes she will end up with in Placer County by the time the counting is certified from the November Lt. Governor election.

Tom McClintock to serve on House Budget Committee?

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Nov 112010

Hmmm… note how the Sacramento BS refers to him as R-Elk Grove again.

Link for attribution

GOP Republican Rep. Tom McClintock will make personal history in January when Republicans take control of the U.S. House.

In his 25th year of elected office in Sacramento and Washington, it will mark the first time that McClintock will be part of the majority.

As the new Congress prepares to organize, McClintock, who won his second term on Nov. 2, is eying a seat on the House Budget Committee.

“That’s where I’ve focused the lion’s share of my attention throughout my years in the state Legislature, when I warned that California’s finances were on a not-sustainable path. … I certainly think I have a strong case to make,” he said.

McClintock, who lives in Elk Grove and represents the 4th Congressional District based in Placer County, said he’d like a seat on the Budget Committee so he can make similar warnings about the nation’s finances.

McClintock currently has seats on the Education and Labor Committee and the Natural Resources Committee.