Oct 172010

Scott “The Boogie Man” Yuill checks in with a solid offering.

The mailer is replete with the obligatory monster endorsement list and the “Pictures of Scott” – and lots of them.

When I said lots of Pictures – take a look.

The most important part of the mailer – the bullets specifying that he voted for 10 Million in spending cuts and that he voted against the cable tax increase.

I defy any anti-establishment types to criticize that.

Take a look at the outside leaf – and then the front cover of the mailer.

Scott looks so pretty in that suit- now I know why there are so many pictures of him in his mailer 🙂

(I don’t even own a suit… I think I have a tie or two somewhere, maybe I’ll have to get an in-kind from someone if I run)

The negatives about Scotts’ Mailer – TOO MUCH INFORMATION! That’s really the only drawback, but it is a solid effort at 7.5. (Gets marked off for looking “establishment”.)

Diana Ruslin’s Mailer:

It is clean, crisp and matches Diana’s personality to a tee. Here I am, this is who I am – NOW VOTE FOR ME! 😉

Side One of the 8.5X11 Postcard features a quote from Conservative Assemblymember Ted Gaines – Very Good Feature.

Rocklin Needs Diana’s Leadership and I am Proud to Endorse Her Campaign!

Secondly – how many establishment types put their phone number with an invitation to call on their mail?

Third – it lists her community service… which the Sacramento Bee views as inferior to owning a business.

Side Two of the 8.5X11 mailer is the agenda – if is more thorough than any other candidate’s agenda.

I suppose between the endorsement list (which is half the size of Scott Yuill’s) and the community service list could get twisted to look “establishment”.

All in All – Diana gets an 8 for her mailer. You’ll note that I gave Janda an 8.5 in a previous post.

The reason is Janda’s mailer was smaller, to the point quicker and looked far less establishment. In another cycle – I’d have criticized it for not having enough… but 2010 is a bizarre election cycle.

The bottom line – Scott Yuill and Diana Ruslin helped themselves with their mailers.

Both of them justified this blogger’s support of them with the information put forth in their mailers.

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