Diana Ruslin Mailer #2 is better than mailer #1 for a couple of reasons:
1. It does not have a long endorsement list on it. Greg Janda’s second mailer still did. In this election where people are looking for the “establishment” and the “boogie man”… that could be a huge difference.
2. It was smaller. Smaller is good. Both of Janda’s Mailers were the 6 1/2 X11 and Diana’s Mailer #2 was in this format as well.
I still think Diana Ruslin Wins. This Mailer gets an 8.0 for an A-. The reason – it replaced the endorsement list with a resume’ a very, very smart move.
I also believe that Greg Janda could knock off Scott Yuill – which was not the intention of the folks that recruited Janda.
Janda raised a lot of Money. So did Scott Yuill.
Scott is an incumbent. Janda is not.
All of them visited my house – but the reason why Diana Ruslin will finish first is that her people were knocking and talking to all the houses they visited. I have that confirmed by several. Ruslin has also knocked on more doors than all the rest of the candidates combined.
In my home precinct – there are Four Diana Ruslin Yard Signs, and One Scott Yuill Yard Sign (The one in my front yard). No Janda signs at all.
I have endorsed Scott Yuill and will be voting for him on Tuesday along with Diana.
The reason Greg could beat Scott rests with Mark Klang. I have friends convinced that Klang has done the work necessary – I am also aware that Klang has walked a ton of precincts (knocking and talking).
People dismiss Mark Klang way too fast in every election – Klang is a hell of a campaigner.
Every vote Mark Klang gets takes a vote from Scott Yuill in my opinion.
In the end I think that Diana Ruslin finishes first, Yuill and Janda will be in a photo finish for second…
… but do not be suprised if Mark Klang makes a really strong showing. I mean strong.
Rocklin School Board?
Steve Paul finishes fourth.
The evidence? People have tried to roll out the fact that Amanda Tingler went to Obama’s inaguration – they forget that she got the tickets from Tom McClintock to do so.
The late mailer sent by the three incumbents – while I loved it and thought it was great – indetified them as incumbents, guaranteeing that one of them will lose.
The recent spate of sign destruction and the fact that the incumbents bought the California Voter guide slate mailer late shows they were caught flat-footed and did not take Tingler seriously.
Finally – the late hit peice put in the Rocklin Cat Pan Liner (aka the Placer Herald) in the final indicator that Both Amanda and Glenn Moeller got traction.
The communist left-wing Democrat Alex Ferriera will win re-election as his buddies spent about $10K on his behalf.
Cari Dawson Bartley wins her race for Sierra College Board
Howard Rudd wins his race for Sierra College Board as he spent $10k of his own money over Kelli Gnile whose campaign was effective and grassroots… but not enough to compete with Rudd’s Money and connections.
Let’s see how many of these I got right?
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