Oct 202010

Kevin Johnson – the left-wing Mayor of Sacramento. He announced his endorsements today.

With every endorsement comes baggage. Kevin Johnson has a ton – a federal investigation in to his Charter School and his recent endorsement list is even worse baggage for anyone that is not a freaked-out liberal.

KJ endorsed Kamala Harris – you know, the SF Nutbag that refuses to prosecute Cop-Killers? He also endorsed SF Nutbag Gavin “any Twosome” Newsome.

KJ Endorsed Barbara Boxer – while left-wing papers are bailing out on her. KJ Endorsed Jerry Brown (to round out the SF freakshow) and John Chiang (the empty-suit who whores for unions every year at budget time)

Darrell Steinberg for Senate, Richard Pan (who can’t finish a sentence) over Pugno for Assembly and Roger Niello for…. WAIT!? Roger Niello?

Is this what effectiveness looks like? What does Roger Niello have in common with Darrell Steinberg!? If I was Roger Niello, I’d wink and say “You sure about that, Kevin… you know there is Ken Cooley on the ballot!?”

Otherwise – it looks like Roger Niello really IS a compromised Republican vs the conservative he is campaigning as. Ted Gaines will be sure to point this out to voters.

KJ’s endorsement sucks as bad as the Sacramento Bee’s does.

Now – Tim Herman? That’s a different story – Tim Herman had a recent fundraiser headlined by Kevin Johnson.

That’s right – KJ who went No on 23, like Herman and Yes on 25, like Herman. So they both support killing 1 million plus jobs and simple-majority tax increases at the state level.

Kevin Johnson is the biggest name yet that Tim Herman has gotten to endorse him – certifying his left-wing credentials. David Larson should be jealous – Herman snagged both the Sacramento Bee and Kevin Johnson.

The package is clear with Tim Herman – he is a liberal Democrat who forgot to register as such.

Think about it – his top supporters are all Democrats.
He supports Prop 25 – simple majority budgets / tax increases
He opposes Prop 8
He opposes Prop 23 – and supports an electric car ordinance in Sun City
He has talked about extending the time to pay city taxes, not cutting them…

The Kevin Johnson endorsement makes sense for Tim Herman.

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  2 Responses to “BAD ENDORSEMENT ALERT! Kevin Johnson Endorses Roger Niello (and raises money for) Tim Herman!? YIKES”

  1. I suppose you’d consider John Doolittle, Alan Nakanishi, Jan Scully, John McGinness, Roberta MacGlashan, Susan Peters, 4 of the 5 members of the RC city Council, and 4 of the 5 members of the Folsom City Council all “bad” endorsements too.

    How many BOS endorsements does Gaines have out of his home county of Placer. Oh, that’s right, none.

  2. Doolittle – axe to grind
    Scully, McGuinness,MacGlashan,Peters – all reputed moderates
    The city councilmembers? only one I know is moderate Steve Miklos from Folsom.
    Nakanishi is the only one of the above I know that is a reputed Conservative without a personal axe to grind.

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