Sep 282010

9:30 PM 9/28 Update – Aman Sigh Gahoonia seems to be mounting some sort of campaign, I have seen facebook ads over the weekend. Just this afternoon, I saw some of his signs – placed in medians where City Employees will pick them up. Why he did not do a ballot statement is beyond me – and of course the very small 12″ x 18″ campaign signs are bewildering as well.

I was visited by Mark Klang’s Wingmen over the weekend… Klang has been launching an aggressive Email campaign as well. I have been getting all of them.

So far – only Klang’s Wingmen and Ruslin’s Mom’s have hit my house with propaganda.

At the same time – both Greg Janda and Diana Ruslin emailed me to let me know that they landed the Rocklin Police Officer’s Association Endorsement.

I called Scott Yuill for comment and he basically told me that he did not pursue their endorsement as he feels awkward seeking the support of people whose compensation he has to negotiate.

(I wish the State Legislature would do the same thing – yeesh.)

Janda is also sporting the endorsements of John and Marilyn Redding – who founded the Matthew Redding Foundation.

The race is heating up and signs are sprouting up all over town – but all the candidates have some serious ground to make up to catch up to Scott Yuill… Yuill has signs everywhere in Rocklin.

This is a four-horse race and anyone can win at this point.

The Rocklin Police Officers’ Association has announced its endorsement of Greg Janda for Rocklin City Council.

“The Rocklin Police Officers’ Association welcomes your business knowledge and the fresh ideas you would bring to this position, and we look forward to working with you in the future,” the association said in announcing its endorsement

I would assume that the Firefighters are stepping up next and Ruslin will have her letter from the Police at some point soon.

As for this blogger – I am spending all my time in Roseville. My Mom is on the ballot and there are LIBERALS running for City Council there.  Sam Cannon and Susan Rohan need the Republicans to stand up and get them over the finish line.  (VOTE  FOR SAM CANNON – PLEASE)

*** Dang Rocklin is a great place to live – FOUR GOOD REPUBLICANS that can win for Rocklin City Council!!!

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