Jun 102010

Grassroots activism is still alive.

Even though the State CRA did not endorse in either the AD-05 race or the SD-04 race, it did not stop our members from making an impact for the club’s favorites.

By now, insiders are done buzzing over the 16.4% blowout loss by Rick Keene – losing to Doug LaMalfa in SD04.

The post-mortems and recriminations will go on for a while, but what is known is this:

Rick Keene won Placer County by 3.74% vs losing by 16.4% district-wide.

Andy Pugno won Placer County by 46.58% vs 43.50% in Sacramento County.

Members of the Placer CRA walked precincts (including this blogger) in the portions of each district that overlapped Placer County.

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