I guess a 22% score for Maldo is too high? Or is this a case of there being no honor amongst thieves?
You’d think with Maldo providing pivotal votes to ban .50cal weapons, funding welfare programs, open borders and of course voting for massive tax increases – (including the largest tax increase in state history) that he’d get a little love?
I guess not – in a press release, leading with the Latino left of the Democrat Party – Pedro Nava (a disciple of Hugo Chavez) announced a press conference about how he and his bandoleros are going to lead the charge against Maldo.
Now to those that think working with liberals and compromising with them is the way to go – take a look at just how far it got Maldo. It seems the left knows that he is unprincipled and untrustworthy.
Where: Willie Brown Conference Room, State Capitol, Room 317
Who: Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara) Chair, Assembly Banking & Finance Committee
Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (D-Norwalk) member, Assembly Rules Committee
Assemblymember Jose Solorio (D-Anaheim) Chair, Assembly Insurance Committee
Other Members to AttendAssemblymember Nava said, “Much has been made of Senator Maldonado’s congenial personality, his friendly demeanor, and his one vote to increase the minimum wage, but we believe that he has been, and is out of step on issues of great significance to most Californians. He has voted against farmworkers, health care, civil rights, worker protections, women, consumers, seniors, and the environment. With a record like that we feel that he should not be confirmed by the Assembly.”
Senator Maldonado was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger late last year to fill a vacancy created by the election of former Lieutenant Governor, John Garamendi, to Congress. Mr. Maldonado must be confirmed by both houses of the Legislature in order to finish out the remaining months of the former Lieutenant Governor’s term.
Looks like the SF Chron is tracking this, too – they are putting Maldo’s chances as less than average as well.
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