Jan 182010

Stop the presses – the Yolo County Republican Party decided to endorse Incumbents Wally Herger and Jim Nielsen for Re-Election.

Problem. Charlie Schaupp is running against Nielsen and Colonel Pete Stiglich is running against Wally Herger.

The Irony is that Mark Pruner is the Chairman of the Yolo GOP and is one of the loudest critics of the Placer County Republican Party Endorsement Process.

(To be honest – I had to look at his website to even know what Wally Herger looks like, but I digress. – I am sure those on the Yolo Cent Com feel the same way…)

This blogger received a copy of an email from Mr. Pruner indicating the same sections of the CRP By-Laws with the same vacuous wording as the reason why the Yolo Cent Com needs to reconsider…

Reconsider? Abel Maldonado is in between a rock and a hard place.

First off – his campaign Chairman (Patrick Dorinson – a lifelong Democrat until he latched on to Arnold) attacked the Placer County Republican Central Committee… begging us to endorse Senator Sam, but now Abel has to get confirmed to be Arnold’s (um.) Lt. Gov.

With Sam Blakeslee resigning his post as assembly leader – to run for Maldo’s Senate Seat (that he’d have to vacate if confirmed) – it looks as if the fix is in.

Look at it this way: The Dems don’t trust him – so they will confirm him and then roast him in his attempt to get re-elected.

The Dems also feel that they have a better shot to re-claim the Senate Seat Maldo occupies (it is majority Dem) with him out of the way.

I predict that only Blakeslee, Anthony Adams and a few others on the Rep side vote to confirm… so we’ll be able to safely say that he is the choice of the dems.

Maldo. He could have kept his Senate Seat – now he’ll end up with nothing… and the Dems will be happy and so will the Republicans.

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