The significance is enormous – Officeholders and Grassroots clubs are endorsing Keene… usually the two are exclusive of one another.
Nevada County YR. College Kids – young professionals, volunteers… not wealthy donors or entrenched tax-raisers…
Excerpting the Press Release:
The Young Republican Federation of California is the largest and most active young Republican organization and is one of the most important Republican grassroots organizations in the state. In the past, the YRFC endorsement has often been a key indicator of which candidate grassroots conservatives in California will support in elections.
Keene has previously been endorsed by YRFC Chapters in Butte, Yuba, Sutter Counties as well as the state YRFC.
More ominous for Doug LaMalfa is the news coming out of facebook invitations – Citizens for the California Republic announced a major press conference for Rick Keene:
Hi everyone,
I wanted to pass along this message from the folks over at the Rick Keene for Senate campaign. They’re having a major press conference in Redding tomorrow to announce the endorsement of Mayor Patrick Jones and they need us to come out and show some support!
OUCH! Right in the heart of the area LaMalfa was depending on – the Mayor of the largest city in the district has bailed on LaMalfa and endorsed Rick Keene.
This is in stark contrast to the endorsement switchers announced by Meg Whitman (for example) – those that switched to Whitman were because of Consultants or because of promises made… Those that have switched to Keene have done so due to his message.
It seems that when LaMalfa speaks – people endorse Rick Keene.
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